8-Step Formula to Boost Sales Conversions in Your CPA Practice

If you’re still selling services in your CPA practice the way you did in 1975, you’re in big trouble. Because just as fashions and technologies change, so does the way people think and respond to the world around them. What worked then won’t necessarily work now.

Selling today emphasizes service first, and selling second.

If you’re looking to boost your CPA practice’s sales conversion rate, I’ve got your solution. It’s a straightforward, 8-step solution that is easily adopted into your firm.

Step 1: Build Rapport

When you first welcome a prospect into your office, engage in some light conversation; create some common ground. This could be as simple as asking, “Have any trouble finding the office?” Be sincere.

Step 2: Probe Their Needs

Ask questions to find out what’s lacking in the relationship with their existing CPA. This lets the prospect know that we are a different kind of CPA firm. When we agree to a meeting with a prospect, we’re actually screening them to be sure they’re the right fit for us.

Step 3: PowerPoint Demonstration

Once you’ve gone through your questions, then you want to “demonstrate” how you can help the prospect. Use a PowerPoint presentation on a laptop. As you go through your PowerPoint slides, be sure to circle back to the problem areas you identified by asking questions.

Step 4: Present Your Fees

Next, present your fee structure.

Step 5: Handle Objections & Concerns

When a prospect objects, the first thing to do is listen. DO NOT try to jump in at the beginning – this may cause further objections. Use active listening methods, like nodding, looking at the client, and leaning forward to show interest.

Your second step in the face of an objection? Try to clarify the objection. For example:

-“Tell me more about…”

-“So what you’re telling me is…”

Your third step is to simply answer the objection.

And finally, check to see if your first three steps worked! For example:

-“Have I answered all your questions?”

-“Do you have any other concerns?”

As necessary, handle any outstanding objections.

Step 6: Service Agreement and Payment

Once you’ve overcome the prospect’s objections, go over the service agreement and payment briefly.

Step 7: Talk About Accountant Dismissal

It’s important to help your client think through this. For example:

“Let me ask you, Mr. Prospect: how are you going to handle the dismissal of your current client?”

Step 8: Head Off Buyer’s Remorse

You don’t want your client walking away and feeling buyer’s remorse. An easy way to prevent that is to stay in touch. In my practice, I let the new client know that my firm administrator will be calling him or her within 48 hours to discuss retrieval of paperwork.

Read the 8 steps. Get to know them. Share them with your team. Practice with one another, and watch your sales conversion rate go through the roof.

Now: what’s the first thing you’ll do to pass this information along to your team?

Salim Omar is a practicing CPA that shows fellow practitioners how to grow their practices. To receive your FREE Audio CD by mail that shows you how to consistently attract high-paying clients to your practice, visit http://www.CPAMarketingGenius.com

Salim Omar is a practicing CPA that shows fellow practitioners how to grow their practices. To receive your FREE Audio CD by mail that shows you how to consistently attract high-paying clients to your practice, visit http://www.CPAMarketingGenius.com

Author Bio: Salim Omar is a practicing CPA that shows fellow practitioners how to grow their practices. To receive your FREE Audio CD by mail that shows you how to consistently attract high-paying clients to your practice, visit http://www.CPAMarketingGenius.com

Category: Business
Keywords: sales, conversions, cpa, practice, firm

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