How to Best Stock Your Cubicle

Whether you want to admit it or not, your workspace in the office is in many ways your home away from home. If you’re like most professionals, you spend an inordinate amount of time at your desk in front of the computer, which is why it is so important to take the necessary steps to turn your workspace into a comfortable area where you feel at ease. Little comforts of home stashed away in your desk can make the work day more bearable and really help out. After all, you don’t want to dread going to work every day and having a well-stocked, inviting space of your own can make a big difference.


Aesthetically speaking, decorating your cubicle is a great way to feel settled in at a new job. You don’t have to go overboard, of course, but having a few reminders of the things that make you happy can be especially helpful during a trying day at work. Some people choose to hang motivational posters and calendars, while others like having photos of friends, family, and fun memories nearby. Beyond that, the fun little things that you accumulate over the years of employment are a great memento for your office. Thank you letters from clients, inside jokes from coworkers, and other keepsakes are always great to have displayed in your working area.


Naturally, each office will have their own policies about eating at your desk, but if your company doesn’t mind you snacking, you should make an effort to keep your desk well stocked with healthy treats for that mid afternoon craving. There’s nothing worse – and more distracting – than sitting in your office in the middle of the day and being a little bit hungry. Dinner seems impossibly far away and lunch ended hours ago – so what do you do?

Where many people run into problems is at the vending machine. When the snacking urge arises they justify going to purchase junk food that they don’t really need or, truth be told, really want. Eating for the sake of eating is common in an office, especially on a slow day, which can lead to unexpected weight gain and other health issues. However, when you maintain a stock of healthy treats in your desk, you’re less likely to binge on junk food, making it a worthy investment. Having a container of almonds, for example, is a great option because almonds do a good job of suppressing appetite and are also low in saturated fat and contain a variety of essential nutrients.


Somewhat similarly, it’s always a good idea to have some instant coffee, energy drinks, or tea bags in your desk for when you need a little caffeine jolt. Most offices have a company coffee maker, but how many times have you gone into the break room to find the coffee pot empty or cold? Another problem with standard coffeemakers is if you’re the only one in the office or it’s late in a day it doesn’t make much sense to make an entire pot of coffee just for you. So, by having the instant coffee you like or the unique tea of your choice, you can treat yourself without any reservation.


Finally, many offices allow their employees to listen to music in their office or cubicle as long as it doesn’t disturb their coworkers or they wear headphones. Having a good playlist of music you enjoy is so helpful throughout the day and can really make it seem like your day flies by. It’s these little things that make the difference between a good and bad day at the office.

Taylor Thomas is a veteran of the professional world who has uses his experience in business to help individuals maintain a positive attitude and great work ethic while in the office.

Taylor Thomas is a veteran of the professional world who has uses his experience in,21_IL.22,27_IC1154429.htm business to help individuals maintain a positive attitude and great work ethic while in the office.

Author Bio: Taylor Thomas is a veteran of the professional world who has uses his experience in business to help individuals maintain a positive attitude and great work ethic while in the office.

Category: Writing

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