The Real Reason Your Stress Level Has Gone ‘Super-Sized’ (And What it Takes to Tame It)

Phew! We’re only weeks into the New Year, and already that “fresh start” hopefulness has vanished. Now millions of people are overwhelmed by S-T-R-E-S-S instead.

Personal problems that arise from stress are taking a toll on the body, reducing our reproductive capabilities, causing illness (even serious diseases), sleeplessness and muscle strain. We’re making hasty decisions that could ultimately hurt or end a life. If we lived without stress our average age would be 150 years of active living before we started to slow down!

If you want to stop super-sized stress from shortening your life … it’s important to identify stressors that traditionally trouble you. Chances are, you’re feeling pressured these days because:


Ask most people why they worry, and they’ll likely answer “finances.” Whether they’re living paycheck-to-paycheck, or running multi-million dollar businesses, they’re continuously challenged to spend and save wisely, to anticipate expenses and to balance the budget. As if the struggling economy weren’t enough of a downer, at this time of year:

* You are (depending on where you live) being hit with high heating or high air conditioning costs.

* Maybe you’re buried under those post-holiday bills. Did you go overboard in December?

* Gasoline prices are a big strain, especially if you need to commute to work or school. And there is always extreme weather to contend with and navigate!

* Speaking of school, countless parents are looking at college visits, application fees and tuition charges for their kids.

ADVICE: Stay focused! It’s important to calm yourself so you can make better money decisions. How many so-called luxuries can you bypass until your tax refund arrives or that lucrative new work project comes through? Check out your budget and you’ll be surprised to discover how many expenses you can delete without making any major sacrifices. Engage your whole family in the cost-conscious efforts. Make it fun. Might the most money-efficient person in the house be awarded with a small prize or special honor? If you live alone, you’ll be the guaranteed winner! Give up the outdated human addiction to MORE. Notice how often you have enough and actually have some to share with others.


If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere where these early months of the calendar mean WINTER … you could be at risk for seasonal anxiety (mild or severe) that’s hard to explain and contain. Your “blues” might involve an exasperating stuck-in-the-house feeling. Do you:

* Crave sunlight, when only dark clouds appear?

* Snap at your loved ones? Are arguments happening too often?

* Feel out of control due to mood swings?

ADVICE: We are all moving through these moods together. Best bet when you’re feeling down is to give someone a hug (with permission of course). Fight the urge to lash out. Try some “comfort” methods like occupying yourself with a fun family project, a delicious meal or an outing to a brightly-lit venue. Quickest way to relieve those lows is to have a really good laugh — it\’s the best medicine.



Has the cold or flu bug hit your household? Are you dealing with a chronic health issue? Have you resolved to lose weight? The best way to stay at your best, and to strive toward wellness, is to prevent stress from blocking your health progress! Often that can be achieved:

* With a nutrition make-over. Keep yourself strong and well-nourished. Follow the advice of your health professionals, of course, but listen inside to what your body needs in terms of healthy options. It will tell you every time if you listen.

* Don’t overlook the power of meditation to stay calm. You don\’t have to sit cross-legged to do it. Any activity — like walking, swimming, cleaning or gardening where you get to breathe deep and turn the brain off — can help.

* Exercise whenever you can. Don\’t ignore this idea. It’s one of THE best stress-busters. And the health benefits are innumerable.

* I believe the reason medical experts can\’t find a common cause to colds and flu is because these illnesses are really just a sign that you need to slow down. \”Work hard – Play hard\” may be understood to be an ideal way of life, but when you add some balance by listening to when your body wants to recuperate, your productivity and great new ideas will start to increase.


Most of us work for a living. And, ideally we should LOVE (not hate) what we’re doing. If you answer any of these questions with a YES — then you’re building too much stress into your work life: Do you dread going to work on Monday? Do you live for the weekend? Are you too exhausted and frazzled at the end of the workday to play with your kids or spend quality time with your partner?

Here’s the best advice for taming career stressors:

– Get plenty of sleep. Make it a priority to renew your body for the next work day.

– Focus on what you can offer your job and co-workers rather than what they owe you.

– Follow your heart, not your head, when choosing what to do next. It\’s usually the most long term profitable way to tackle a career or run a business. You\’ll be surprised what opportunities arise when you open yourself to the possibility.

– Take a course that helps you learn and use new skills. This can lead to a new career, a lucrative entrepreneurial effort and (ideally) a positive change in your income and outlook.


And here are more tips to help you de-stress all year long:

– Stop judging others. Study why certain people annoy you. Is it their appearance, their behavior, what they achieve, how they run their lives? When you spot a theme of what you’re judging, chances are you’re judging yourself in a similar vein. Time to stop that pressure! Time to appreciate your own virtues, and only then you\’ll be able to see the virtues of other people around you.

– De-clutter your environment! Don’t wait for Spring cleaning season. Your reward will be more space, less hassle and a newfound freedom. Apply this advice to your mindset, too, and watch the needless stress dissipate.

– Make an “anytime of year” resolution to help others. Could you devote time to volunteering? Or become part of a fund-raising event? Does a shut-in neighbor need help with running errands? Be creative! You heal yourself by making a contribution to our world.

– Get rid of your own personal baggage by ending those grudges! See that whoever did you wrong before was doing the best he/she could at the time. Learn to forgive and watch your stress melt away.

– Remember that no bad things that happen to you are completely bad. Napoleon Hill said \”Every negative event contains the seed of an equal or greater benefit.\” Even the worst experiences can teach you about yourself and have upsides as consequences. Look for those upsides, or the lessons, and you’ll fortify yourself to beat the stress and burnout.

Sought-after speaker and blogger Annabelle Drumm is a business coach who runs an online video training series on professional burnout and stress management. Contact her at;;

Sought-after speaker and blogger Annabelle Drumm is a business coach who runs an online video training series on professional burnout and stress management. Contact her at;;

Author Bio: Sought-after speaker and blogger Annabelle Drumm is a business coach who runs an online video training series on professional burnout and stress management. Contact her at;;

Category: Self Help
Keywords: How to De-Stress , Judging Others , Winter Blues , Money Problems, Hassles

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