Choosing Where to Have a Baby

When you decide to have a baby, it can seem like you have a million-and-one decisions to make. Sure, you’ll have to decide how to decorate the nursery and whether you want your new baby to take a family name or a totally unique one. However, one of the most important decisions lies in where you want to have the baby. You may not be aware of it, but you do have other options than delivering your child in a hospital. In fact, you can choose to give birth at home or at a birthing center. Before you decide, take time to review the unique benefits associated with each of these options.

Hospital Births

Hospital births are the most common in today’s modern world, but each hospital will offer its soon-to-be-moms different services. Some facilities may have separate areas for labor and postpartum care, while others have private rooms in which a woman can be in labor, have her baby, and stay until she’s released from the hospital. If you’re considering a hospital birth, find out what services a few local hospitals offer.

Benefits of hospital births include having:

– Access to expert emergency care in the event your labor is not normal or your baby needs immediate medical attention

– The ability to have an epidural if you decide the pain is too great to do without one

Birth Centers

Birth centers can be in any area of a house or building set up for a woman to labor and give birth. Sometimes these areas are near a hospital or completely separate from one. Birth centers may be outfitted with the comforts of home and/or may include a large bathtub, in the event a woman decides to have a water birth.

Benefits of birth centers include having:

– A quiet, comfortable, and private place to give birth

– The option to invite loved ones to attend the birth

– Your baby at your side and never being separated from him or her

– Less risk of being infected as you would have in a hospital

– Less technology available, so you can avoid having unnecessary procedures performed on you

Home Births

If you choose a home birth, you’ll have a dedicated midwife who will meet with you regularly throughout your pregnancy at your home or at a clinic. While a midwife will come to your home when you go into labor and birth the baby, you’ll be responsible for preparing your home for the birth. Once the baby is born, the midwife may stay several hours afterwards to help clean.

Benefits of home births include:

– Giving birth in your own comfortable and familiar home surrounded by your loved ones

– Never having to be separated from your baby

– Reduced risk of exposure to germs and infections that are common in hospitals

– Not having to pay a hospital or birthing center; the home birth option is typically the least expensive

– Having less technology around you, so you can avoid unnecessary procedures being performed on you

When a Hospital Birth is Necessary

Some women choose home births and birth centers over hospitals for several reasons, including an increased level of privacy and having whomever they want attend the birth. However, there are some instances in which you may be required to give birth in a hospital, including if your baby is positioned feet-first or side-lying, you go into labor too early, or you have a serious infection or illness, among others.

If you have questions about where you should have your baby, speak candidly with your physician, express your personal wishes, and be open-minded about potential risks and complications associated with each option.

Taylor Thomas is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a health expert, Mr. Thomas is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to health news.

Taylor Thomas is an experienced writer who is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to health news.

Author Bio: Taylor Thomas is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a health expert, Mr. Thomas is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to health news.

Category: Womens Interest

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