Does Taking Colloidal Silver Cause Argyria?

The Electrically Isolated Silver, better known as Colloidal Silver, is one of the most contemporary and nontoxic level of silver that is best for human consumption. The tiny silver particles and silver ions are made by virtue of electrolysis and suspension in distilled water. This mineral supplement helps in strengthening the body’s immune system thus taking us a few blocks away from getting sick.

Colloidal silver is a powerful antibiotic which can kill almost all types of bacteria, viruses and fungi. While some antibiotics can be helpful and at the same time dangerous to our kidneys and livers, colloidal silver brings no harm. In truth, colloidal silver is perfectly harmless to the human body and it promotes healing. However, this silver consumption is not the same as the intake of usual silver medicines containing mechanically and chemically produced silver in powder or dust form. This type of silver is that which can be prepared at home using distilled water or by means of colloidal silver generators. Silver is a good mineral supplement, however, the measure of content is really immaterial because an over consumption of high levels of silver can cause the graying of skin or Argyria.

Argyria is an irreversible condition which can be caused by Silver Chloride absorption. By consuming large amount of toxic silver into a person’s body, certain changes of the skin tone from the normal peachy color to the shades of grey-blue or grey can be observed. In most cases, argyria leaves permanent stain on the skin. Nevertheless, colloidal silver is a non-toxic silver and regardless of the amount physically possible for silver ingestion, it will never bring about Argyria. The common sources of Argyria are the Silver Chloride and Nitrates. For this reason, a strict regulation is imposed with respect to the prescription of these toxic silvers, as doctors would suggest only low concentration is permissible.

Silver ingestion does not always result in Argyria. In fact, one of the most recommended methods of taking in colloidal silver is by means of drinking or sipping the juice in order to allow absorption of silver particles through the skin underneath our tongue. Colloidal silver is most effective when there is rich absorption sublingually. Hence, topical application is considered least efficient.

Authorities have submitted their position that in some instances it’s the people themselves who cause silver contamination and this is done by drinking Silver Chlorides. Thinking that they are actually making Colloidal Silver at home, they failed to notice that there are different forms of silver and those beneficial to the health of human race comprises the smallest percentage of the whole.

By reason of the benefits one can get from colloidal silver, a tremendous rage for DIYs or do-it-yourself colloidal silver programs and colloidal silver generators came up. Practicality-wise this manner of generating colloidal silver is very economical and it will really not hurt the purse, however, with just a slight mistake you might change your healthy colloidal silver into a very toxic mineral element that is detrimental to your health. There is a great possibility of ending up with silver chlorides instead getting of colloids.

In making colloidal silver it is important to consider working in a controlled environment. There are so many factors that may greatly affect the outcome and this may eventually lead any person’s health at risk. Whether you are to use expensive colloidal silver generators in making your home made colloidal silver or you will be following do-it-yourself steps, it is still best to take note that only through a clean and sanitized method will one be able to produce an uncontaminated colloidal silver supplement.

To find out more about Colloidal Silver please visit – Colloidal Silver Generator

To find out more about Colloidal Silver please visit –

Author Bio: To find out more about Colloidal Silver please visit – Colloidal Silver Generator

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: colloidal silver, argyria, acne cure, natural medicine, herbal treatment

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