Fashion And Function In Using Magnetic Bracelets

When one thinks of magnetic bracelets and jewelry, one may think of chunky and unattractive blocks of magnets that seem to weigh down one\’s wrists. One may set that notion aside as these bracelets can greatly benefit the health as well as be fashionable and useful wrist accessories. Magnet therapy has been around for some time now and the advances in jewelry fabrication have allowed jewelers to make elegant and sleek bracelets made of magnets.

While the effectiveness of using magnet therapy has yet to be proven, many people purchase these bracelets and jewelry and claim to reap the health benefits of using these accessories. How beneficial is magnet therapy? Researchers on magnet therapy consider that permanent magnets oxygenate and oxidize the blood and increase circulation. These researchers also say that the increased flow to the blood stimulates the human body\’s inherent natural healing processes.

Magnets are believed to be useful in easing nerve injury, wound injury, arthritis, headaches, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Recent conferences also brought out new uses for magnetic bracelets and jewelry, including Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and fibromyalgia. Magnetic therapy may also stop the symptoms of stress.

Magnet bracelets come in many designs and permutations and magnet bracelets can be worn by adult men and women alike. There are magnet bracelets like stainless steel bracelets, super wide bracelets, bracelets in black gun metal finishes, titanium bracelets, tungsten carbide bracelets, tennis bracelets with Swarovski crystals, hematite bracelets, pearl bracelets, magnetic link bracelets, and beaded bracelets.

Bracelets made of magnets help promote relaxation and natural healing. Plus, these bracelets are free of nickel and do not pose skin allergy risks to users. Titanium bracelets are popular types of magnet bracelets. While titanium is often used by men, women are increasingly sporting titanium bracelets. Titanium could be the best metal for masculine and rugged jewelry that makes a different fashion statement. Jewelry made of titanium is a great combination of durability, strength, and beauty.

Titanium is also a very old mineral, which has morphed into a contemporary super-alloy. Titanium, which is valued in aerospace and spacecraft, is also valued to make durable jewelry. Titanium\’s cool gray satin finish gives off a subtle hue that is similar to oil on water\’s luminescent colors, a rainbow, or a peacock\’s feather. Titanium magnetic jewelry lends the wearer an exotic look.

Titanium may be more expensive than stainless steel bracelets, but its lightweight properties are well worth the purchase for the bracelet. Titanium bracelets are highly durable and water-resistant. To reap the best health benefits, magnets face north. The magnet bracelets are also adjustable and links can be easily attached and detached by using simple tools like pliers, link remover tools, pins, and clasp punchers made of stainless steel.

Bracelets made of magnets can be worn by adult men and women. Children may not wear these and people with electronic devices in their bodies need to take precautions. Moreover, magnetic bracelets are very beautiful and the wearer will be satisfied because these bracelets are functional and fashionable.

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Category: Society
Keywords: magnetic bracelets,magnet bracelets,titanium bracelets

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