Subliminal Programs Made More Effective With This Little Known Technique

If you are into subliminal programming I am sure you have encountered that many of them don\’t seem to work. All that hype and ad copy simply selling you the dream. Frankly, that makes me mad. I don\’t like being duped, I am sure you don\’t either.

Subliminal programs were incredibly popular in the late 70s and much of the 80s. Seemed like everyone had at least one Subliminal Program in their cassette collection. Audio sections of all bookstores exploded with countless titles, many offering resolutions of lifelong problems. One thing is for sure, they can work really well for you…That is until they stop working and start making your life harder.

I have studied spirituality and self help for over 22 now and I Still remember my very first subliminal audio , in fact I sigh every time I see it. It\’s the only cassette I own now, It has sentimental value for me. I was lucky to be raised by parents who were open-minded . That environment exposed me to all kinds of odd, but now mainstream modalities, subliminals being just one of them. I was still pretty young and didn\’t have a ton of issues so subliminals worked like magic. As I got older and took a few wrong turns in life I had forgotten about them. When I was down and out in the 90s, I ended up using them again. I noticed , however, that they didn\’t work anymore. In fact, I found they were making things even worse for me. I didn\’t understand why and threw them all out in fear. It took me close to a decade to figure out why this was happening. When I realized why, it all made sense to me.

Most subliminals that are available contain affirmations such as \” I am prosperous and abundant\” embedded behind relaxing music or nature sounds. The general premise behind subliminal messaging is that the subconscious mind is able to detect messages that are beyond our conscious minds threshold of perception. This allows the affirmation to bypass the conscious interpretive mind and go directly to the subconscious mind.

This is true, but there is one problem though, If you have deeply rooted negative thoughts and habits those conventional Subliminals and affirmations will not work for you. They will most likely give you a short term boost in mood one day and an awful crash the next.

Here is the reason why this seemingly paradoxical scenario occurs:

The Subconscious mind is like a sponge, soaking up all your experiences in life. Many of these experiences aren\’t all that positive, some are downright traumatic. It doesn\’t matter, the subconscious mind takes it all in. All your good and bad habits are a result of the information stored in it. As a rule, the Subconscious mind creates habits through a regularly reinforced loop of thoughts and/or actions. As this loop continues, the habits become more and more entrenched in your life and harder and harder to break. Old habits certainly do die hard. The subconscious minds job is to make sure to keep those habits going, it makes no judgment at all as to whether they are good for you or not. The subconscious mind did us a \”favor\” by making them routine. Like all habits you have, habits are routines developed over time. The Subconscious mind is simply doing its job.

But here is where it gets complicated. When the subconscious mind is exposed to anything counter to your life experiences such as affirmations, it will try to entrench your negative habits deeper. Why? Because the subconscious mind is fighting to make sure the habit stays alive and well. Remember, old habits die hard. All those \” affirmations\” will be almost entirely rejected because there is nothing in your experience that corresponds to the affirmation you are saying. In essence, your subcoscious mind treats it as a lie. Just saying the affirmations is useless , it must be backed by something tangible. This sounds horrible right? But there is one modality that can bypass this tendency and that is Switchwords.

Switchwords were discovered by a man by the name James T. Mangan. He was certainly out there in many of his ideas, but he made an amazing discovery. In his book \”The Secret of Perfect Living\” he found that the subconscious mind has several \”switches\”. When these are \”flipped\”, the result is often instant. Thus the name \”Switchwords\”.

These words are single words and are often found in various combinations called \”switchphrases\” that contain strings of single switchwords that don\’t appear to have tangible meaning. They are, in a way one-word affirmations. But unlike the conventional affirmations that contain statements that your subconscious will reject entirely; Switchwords bypass this rejection and engages the subconscious mind directly with no fighting or fussing. Which means no self sabotage on your part.

What I love the most about Switchwords is that you don\’t need to believe in them in order for them to work for you. You can\’t say that for conventional affirmations on most subliminal audios and videos.

Since both subliminal videos/audios and switched communicate directly with the subconscious mind, programs have been created that combine both Switchwords and Subliminal technology to create a powerful synergy that can create rapid change. I have been using them together successfully and no other subliminal combination has worked this well. No more negative rebound for me.

Doron is the CEO of Numinosity Press Incorporated, a small independent publisher of spiritual works and many more topics. Want to find out more about Switchwords and Switchword Subliminals? Then check out

Doron is the CEO of Numinosity Press Incorporated, a small independent publisher of spiritual works and many more topics. Want to find out more about Switchwords and Switchword Subliminals? Then check out

Author Bio: Doron is the CEO of Numinosity Press Incorporated, a small independent publisher of spiritual works and many more topics. Want to find out more about Switchwords and Switchword Subliminals? Then check out

Category: Self Help
Keywords: switchwords,law of attraction,subliminal messaging,switchword,manifestation,affirmations,self help

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