Exercises to Alleviate Lower Back Pain

Pain in your lower back can lead to a bit of a catch-22. You’re told to exercise in order to find relief, but many exercises put undue strain and stress on the back and can even be painful.

Not to worry, there are a number of exercises that can help to alleviate lower back pain without causing unnecessary discomfort. These low-impact exercises help to strengthen the muscles that support your spine, without putting too much stress on affected areas.

(Note: This list is not all-inclusive and should be considered a jumping off point. You should always consult your primary care physician before starting any back pain related exercise regimens. They should be able to recommend exercises for your specific condition. Stop immediately and consult your physician if you experience any pain.)

These stretches are organized by difficulty level and should be added to your routine gradually.

Abdominal Contraction

The abdominal muscles are a key player in the health of your spine, but crunches and sit-ups can cause back pain to flare up. The solution lies in abdominal contractions. To perform one, lie on your back and tighten your abs, pulling your core in toward your spine. Hold for 5 seconds before releasing and repeat ten times. It may seem natural to hold your breath when you attempt an abdominal contraction, however, it is important for the effectiveness of this maneuver that you do not.

Wall Squats

In addition to working the abdominals, wall squats also strengthen the hip flexors and thigh muscles. This strengthens the lower backs support system.

To perform a wall squat, stand with your back pressed against a wall and walk your feet out 1 ft. in front of your body. Tighten your abdominals and bend your knees, lowering yourself down the wall until your knees form 45 degree angles. Hold this position for 5 seconds and slowly return to the starting position. Repeat this 10 times.

Single Knee to Chest Stretch

This maneuver targets the muscles of your lower back, legs and abdomen, which help to stabilize and strengthen the spine.

To begin this exercise, lie down on your back on a soft mat or bed. Be sure that you have both knees bent. Grab a hold of one of your thighs behind your knee. Slowly and carefully, bring your knee up to your chest while keeping your back flat on the mat. Hold the stretch for 20 seconds before gently lowering your leg back to the starting position. Repeat this action 5 times per leg and be sure to relax in between repetitions.

Hip Flexor Stretch

The hip flexor stretch is aptly named because it stretches the group of muscles known as the hip flexors. The hip flexor muscles are crucial in the movement of the knee and thigh as well as stabilization and motion of the pelvis. Several of the flexor muscles help to stabilize the lower back and spine. Therefore, hip flexor stretches can help to alleviate lower back pain.

To perform a hip flexor stretch, lie on your back near the edge of a bed and hold your knees to your chest. Lower one of your legs while still holding the other to your chest. Stop lowering when you begin to feel a stretch across the top of your hip and thigh. Hold for 20 seconds. Repeat this action 5 times for each leg.

Piriformis Stretch

This stretches muscles in the buttock and hip area.

To perform a piriformis stretch, lie on your back with both knees bent. Cross one of your legs on top of the other. Pull the opposite knee (the one farthest from your chest) toward your chest slowly. When you feel a stretch in the buttocks or hip, stop and hold that position for 20 seconds. Do this 5 times for each leg.

John Soland is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Mr. Soland is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to lower back pain.

John Soland is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Mr. Soland is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to lower back pain. http://www.laserspinewellness.com/

Author Bio: John Soland is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Mr. Soland is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to lower back pain.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: Lower Back Pan, Physical Therapy, Stretching

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