New Generation of Subliminal Programs Can Help You Get Fit

Wouldn\’t it be great to be fit? The only issue is that getting fit is not the most exciting thing in the world. It takes motivation to get fit and even more to stay fit. I would be motivated and would lose 20 lbs, then gain them right back again. It, for lack of a better term, SUCKS! But I don\’t suffer with that any longer.

The key to true lifelong fitness is in the mind…The Subconscious Mind. The best way to penetrate the veil of the subconscious mind is through subliminal messaging.

Using subliminal messages to create life changes is well established. It\’s been around for decades. I recall my first subliminal audio. This was in the 80s, when they were hot. My mother had tons of tapes so I curiously tried some of them. I was still young and without a ton of Subconscious blocks so the programs worked very well. However, as I grew older I found they stopped working. It was only much later in life that I discovered why.

The reason why subliminals work at all is because the subconscious mind can detect messages that are beyond the conscious mind\’s perception. This allows the Subliminal message to bypass the conscious mind and go directly to your subconscious. Most subliminals have affirmations such as \” I am my perfect weight\” embedded behind relaxing music. This will work if you do not have substantial subconscious blocks. Unfortunately, most of us have developed deep rooted blocks and the conventional subliminal program can\’t compete. Sometimes they might make your issues worse.

You see, the Subconscious mind compiles every moment of your life, many life events can foster self limiting beliefs. After a while those beliefs become reality through your habits. As time passes, the habits become more entrenched and harder to break. It\’s not doing this out of malice, but out of convenience. Since we often engage these negative thoughts and constantly reinforce them, the subconscious mind does us a \”favor\” by making them routine. It doesn\’t care if the routine is good for you or not. If you repeat it, it will entrench it deeper. The only way to change the subconscious mind so to reprogram it or at least short circuit the habit loop that it is in place. One way to do this is with subliminal programs…But not all programs are created equally, some could harm you.

Just because the subconscious mind is exposed to positive affirmations doesn\’t mean it will suddenly relinquish the bad thoughts and habits, in fact, it tries to embed your habits deeper. The subconscious mind will fight to make sure the routine stays put. That is why old habits die hard. All those \” affirmations\” will be rejected because there is nothing in your life that is allowing your subconscious mind to believe in them. You cannot lie to your subconscious mind. However, there is one modality that can bypass this subconscious tendency of habit entrenchment and it\’s called Switchwords.

Switchwords were discovered by a very colorful and eccentric man by the name of James T. Mangan. In his book \”The Secret of Perfect Living\”, James states that the subconscious mind has several \”switches\” that when flipped, can result in certain outcomes. Thus the name \”Switchwords\”.

Switchwords are single words but can also be found in various combinations. They are, in many ways, one-word affirmations. But Unlike the conventional affirmations that contain statements that your subconscious rejects , Switchwords, bypass this rejection and communicates with the subconscious mind directly. This direct communication makes the desired result automatic and without any real resistance.

You do not even need to believe in them in order for them to work. That\’s how powerful they are.

Since both subliminal audio/video and switchwords communicate directly on a subconscious level, I developed a new technique that pairs both Switchwords and Subliminal technology together. This brings out the power in both of them. I have been using them together successfully not only for my fitness goals. ( I lost those 20 lbs easily). I also used them to break other habits.

If you want more information please see the resource box below.

Thank you for reading this article.

To your success,


Doron is the CEO of Numinosity Press Incorporated, a small independent publisher of spiritual works and many more topics. Want to find out more about Switchwords and Switchword Subliminals? Then check out

Doron is the CEO of Numinosity Press Incorporated, a small independent publisher of spiritual works and many more topics. Want to find out more about Switchwords and Switchword Subliminals? Then check out

Author Bio: Doron is the CEO of Numinosity Press Incorporated, a small independent publisher of spiritual works and many more topics. Want to find out more about Switchwords and Switchword Subliminals? Then check out

Category: Self Help
Keywords: switchwords,law of attraction,subliminal messaging,switchword,manifestation,affirmations,self help

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