“Depression is Caused by a Chemical Imbalance,” was from the beginning a meaningless, unscientific sales gimmick, but why? So everyone including doctors would believe that, “Antidepressants (SSRIs)” were the answer to depression. This lie created a huge antidepressant drug market and vast profits for the giant pharmaceutical companies while destroying families and killing thousands of patients. Because this lie misled doctors, instead of establishing the patient’s primary needs, they went straight to prescribing these dangerous SSRI drugs for depression based on advertising and sham science.

“Where is the scientific research to support this “Chemical Imbalance Theory,” there is none and there never was from the very start. The pharmaceutical companies manipulated studies to give the appearance of scientific proof but in actuality there was none.


-no test exists to support such a claim, and…there is no real conception of what a correct chemical balance would look like.” Psychiatrist David Kaiser

-The Corrupt Alliance of the Psychiatric-Pharmaceutical Industry, 2012 Citizens Commission on Human Rights International.

-Claim that depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain, and that SSRIs correct this imbalance, are not supported by scientific evidence, say researchers in PLoS Medicine. Medical News Today – Nov. 12, 2005

-The “Chemical Imbalance” Theory as a Cause for Anxiety and Depressive disorders Proven False, Research Finds, Taken From, Anxiety Center.Com

Note: Though this was an obvious conspiracy which killed thousands not one person went to prison.

Anti-depressants Have No More Value Then a Sugar Pill

Two Doctors (through the Freedom of Information Act) obtained 47 of the studies used by the FDA for approval of six antidepressants (Celexa, Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Effexor and Serzone). More than half of those studies found that patients on antidepressants improved no more than those on placebos, Dr Irving Kirsch and Dr. Thomas Moore.

-Article, Antidepressants Barely More Effective Than Placebos, By Healthy Staff Writer

Warning: Before You Go Any Further, Please Read This Important Note!

To minimize the risk of antidepressant withdrawal symptoms or the withdrawal from any prescribed drug, talk with your doctor first.

-Note: Quitting an antidepressant suddenly may cause symptoms such as: Irritability, Anxiety, Insomnia, Depression Symptoms and Thoughts of Suicide, etc.

-Antidepressant withdrawal: by Daniel K. Hall-Flavin, M.D., Mayo Clinic

A Realistic Answer

The scientific truth and the common sense answer is that the chemicals in your brain were created naturally by your body from its nutrition. If there is an imbalance, then it is connected to what are called essential and non-essential nutrients that all the chemicals in your brain are composed of.

Exodus 5, versus 18

“Now get to work. You will not be given any straw, yet you must produce your full quota of bricks.”

This Bible quote from Exodus is discussing a missing essential ingredient.

A Missing Essential Ingredient Imbalance Can Kill You!

You can’t make window glass without silica sand, a cake without yeast, or a human without all the essential ingredients. We know that you cannot live without air but what about these three? Without vitamin B1 you will die of the disease Beriberi, without B3 you will die of Pellagra and without C you will die of Scurvy. A deficiency of these three essential nutrients can cause both mental and physical problems and even death.


(History of Medicine), Adam Blatner, M.D., Lecture February, 2009

Missing These Essential Nutrients Cause Depression?

Essential means something that is vital in order for you to function normally as a human being. As I said above, “without vitamins B1, B3 and C you will die because they are vitally essential for life. These essential nutrients must enter your body as food to avoid not only death but also depression, anxiety and physical issues like irregular heartbeat and convulsions, just a few of the symptoms of their deficiencies.

-Webster Medical Dictionary, Definition of Essential, “being a substance that is not synthesized by the body in a quantity sufficient for normal health and growth and that must be obtained from the diet.”

-Most physicians are simply unaware of the essential nutrient problem. “Sub-clinical deficiencies of vitamin C and D have each been linked to psychological abnormalities.” Dr. Hoffer

-Treatment of hypovitaminosis C improves the mood state of acutely hospitalized patients, Authors: M. Zhang, L. Robitaille, S. Eintracht, L. J Hoffer

-note: vitamin D can be created by your body via sunlight

They Knew the Essential Nutrient Truth All Along

This information has been scientifically studied and written up in numerous publications and books, including, “medical textbooks for years!”

-“Did you know that every medical text book, at least up until a few years ago, indicated that one of the most common effects of inadequate vitamin C is depression?”

– Overcoming Depression, by Dr. Hugh D. Riordan, M.D., The Center For The Improvement Of Human Functioning International

– Overcoming Depression, Dr. Hugh D. Riordan, M.D., The Center For The Improvement Of Human Functioning International

Do You Have These Basic Nutrient Deficiency Symptoms?

Fatigue, Cracked Lips at corners, Headaches, Allergies, Mood Swings, Insomnia, Paranoia, Weakness, Irregular Heartbeat, Poor Balance, Cramps, Bruising, Irritability, Infertility, Premenstrual Syndrome, Inflamed Tongue, Facial Oiliness, Dizziness, Joint Pains, Sensitive Teeth

Children’s Symptoms of Vitamin Deficiencies

ADD and ADHD behaviors, including Irritability, Inattention, Impulsiveness, Hyperactivity, Late Teething, Dry Skin, Poor Growth, Cramps, Tiredness, Hair Loss, Flu and Respiratory Infections, Vision Problems, Weakness, Weight Loss, Scaling Skin, Edema, Insomnia, Loss of Voice, Anemia, Bruising, Joint Pain, Nose Bleeds,

-Signs of Vitamin Deficiency in Children, Tue, Apr 10, 2012, Content by Sylvie Branch. Apr 10, 2012

-Pediatrician OnCall – Nutrition in Children

The Scientific Truth About Essential Nutrient Deficiencies

Everything from headaches to depression has been scientifically linked to low levels of these common vitamins and minerals and other nutrients. Some of these essential nutrients are B1, B3, B5, B6, B12, and C, D, Iron, Magnesium, OMEGA 3, Zinc and Protein Deficiencies.



Amino acid deficiencies cause depression and must be obtained from your diet. Amino acids produce important neuro-transmitters in the body that are connected with Motivation, Happiness and Ability to Deal with Stress. Symptoms: Impaired Cognition, Depression, Anxiety, Edema (swelling), Brittle Hair, Ridges in nails, Skin Rashes; Dry Skin, Muscle Soreness and Cramps, Insomnia, Nausea, Fainting

-“Protein Deficiency: the Hidden Signs, By Dr. John Douillard DC, July 21, 2011, Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science Newsletter”

-“Depression – The Aminos (protein), by Ross Bishop, Article, Blue Lotus Press, 05/2003”

Vitamin B6

A Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxal Phosphate) Deficiency Can Cause Depression and Must Be Obtained From Your Diet.

A Deficiency of Vitamin B6 can cause Depression, Anxiety, Antagonism, Irritability, Mood Abnormalities, Convulsions and Seizures, Nausea, Dizziness, Migraine Headaches, Weakness, Anemia, Eczema, Cracks or Sores on Lips, Cramps, Numbness, 71% of male and 90% of female diets are deficient in Vitamin B6 in the USA.

-“Vitamin B6, Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institute of Health”


Magnesium deficiency can cause depression and Must Be Obtained From Your Diet.

Magnesium Deficiencies causes Anxiety, Insomnia, Irritability, Confusion, ADHD and ADD and Sensitivity to Light and Sound, Nervousness, Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia. Twitching, Trembling, Muscle Cramping, Muscle Weakness, Heart Palpitations, etc. “American diets contain 50 to 60% of RDA”

– “A Magnesium deficiency can cause depression, behavior and personality changes, apathy, irritability and anxiety. (Wacker WE. 1968 & Freyre AV. 1970 & Rasmussen HH. 1989)”

-“Kozielec T, Starobrat-Hermelin B. Assessment of magnesium levels in children with ADHD. Magnes Res 10(2):143-8, 1997. Starobrat-Hermelin B, Kozielec T.”

-“The effects of magnesium physiological supplementation on hyperactivity in children with ADHD. Positive response to magnesium oral loading test. Magnes Res 10(2):149-56, 1997.”

Causes of Nutrient Deficiencies

One of the biggest causes of nutrition deficiencies are our supermarkets. It looks nutritious, clean, efficient and cost effective? The truth is, it is not nutritious, it is toxic and causes disease?

-Senate Document 264 of the 74th Congress, 99% of American people are deficient in minerals which results in disease.”

-Corporate foodopoly is heading us toward farmageddon, by: PF Louis, NaturalNews, October 24, 2011

Lifestyle Causes of Nutrient Deficiencies?

White sugar, flour, processed foods, petrol-chemically grown produce, dairy and meat lack vital nutrients, in their processed state, plus their contaminations and GMO’s), tobacco and especially alcohol use, stress, environmental pollution, inadequate digestion, illness, operations, medications and poor weight loss programs.

A person who seldom eats raw fruits and vegetables every day has a very high risk of developing a nutrient deficiency. Women who are pregnant or nursing need the extra vitamins they are passing on to their baby.

-“Vitamin B Deficiencies, by Karen Railey, I Want My Vitamins Website”

-Foods, Fortificants, and Supplements: Where Do Americans Get Their Nutrients?,

Victor L. Fulgoni, Debra R. Keast, Regan L. Bailey, Johanna Dwyer, American Society for Nutrition, The Journal of Nutrition, October, 2011

Pharmaceutical Drugs That Destroy Essential Nutrients

Acid Blockers (B12, C, D)

Antibiotics (B6, B12, C, friendly bacteria)

Antidepressants (CoQ10)

Beta Blockers (CoQ10)

Birth Control Pills (B6, C, magnesium)

Hormone Replacement Therapy (B6)

Pain-Killers (C and iron)

Steroids (B6, C, D, K)

“Loss of essential nutrients brings you the disease you are taking the drug for.”

-Nutrients Depleted by Common Pharmaceutical Drugs, by Michelle Schoffro Cook, Care2 Healthy Living, October 31, 2009

Correcting Essential Nutrient Deficiencies?

“What about those expensive vitamins I take, they say that they have thousands of times the minimum daily requirement (MDR) of essential nutrients.” Sorry but 95% plus of those vitamins are synthetic, made from chemicals not food. Nature, has a basic law when it comes to the nutrition of living things; “we can only get our nutrition from plants or whole foods.”

Effective vitamins say, “100% Whole Food”, “Made From Whole Foods” or words to that effect, “Food Based” is an advertising trick. Plus having thousands of times the MDR is confusing to your body, a sales gimmick that will not fill an essential nutritional need either.

Along with a basic whole food supplement I would suggest moving your diet to 70% raw fruits and vegetables, proven to brighten your depressed mental outlook. Do some cleansing and detoxing to get your pollutants and heavy metals down, proven to release depression. Get involved in an exercise program, scientifically proven to control depression. Move the stressful people and situations out of your life, also proven to release depression. And involve yourself in a spiritual path guaranteed to release depression.

“-The truth is that most vitamins in supplements are made or processed with petroleum derivatives or hydrogenated sugars.” Dr. Robert Thiel

-The Truth About Vitamins in Nutritional Supplements, Robert Thiel, Ph.D., N.D., Doctors Research Inc.


-“Psychiatric drugs have directly contributed to an alarming new epidemic of drug-induced mental illness. Drugs prescribed by physicians to stabilize mental disorders are inducing pathological changes in brain chemistry and triggering other mental and physical problems, even death.”

-Psychiatric Drugs: Chemical Warfare on Humans – interview with Robert Whitaker, Saturday, August 27, 2005, by Terry Messman, Pub. Naturalnews

Antidepressant Psychological Side Effects

Tension and anxiety appear out of nowhere, depression, violent suicide, hostility, violent crime, arson, substance abuse, psychosis, mania, organic brain disease, autism, impulsive and argumentative behavior.

-Suicide & Death Can Lurk In Each SSRI Pill, By Ann Blake Tracy, PhD, Drug, 07-06-07

Note: At least 48 known school shooting have been connected to antidepressant use.

Antidepressants, Permanent Damage and Questionable Value

Those with depression have been led down an advertising garden path with drugs like Celexa, Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft, Effexor and Serzone. They were told by false advertisements that they had a chemical imbalance and to find happiness again they needed to take these drugs. The truth is, these drugs can’t treat chemical imbalances that are nutritional deficiencies. And they are scientifically proven to be no more effective than placebos for treating depression.

Paul Blake is a doctor of herbal medicine and a master herbalist. He used naturopathic medicine to treat his own case of cancer twenty years ago. Visit Paul\’s website on Herbal Remedies, Natural Healing Herbs for more interesting information on improving your health, or visit Paul’s Health Blog for additional articles and commentary on nutritional healing.

Paul Blake is a doctor of herbal medicine and a master herbalist. He used naturopathic medicine to treat his own case of cancer twenty years ago. For more interesting information on herbal remedies and natural healing herbs, visit The Natural Path (

Author Bio: Paul Blake is a doctor of herbal medicine and a master herbalist. He used naturopathic medicine to treat his own case of cancer twenty years ago. Visit Paul\’s website on Herbal Remedies, Natural Healing Herbs for more interesting information on improving your health, or visit Paul’s Health Blog for additional articles and commentary on nutritional healing.

Category: Self Help
Keywords: depression, nutritional deficiencies

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