Is There Such a Thing as Non-Invasive Back Surgery?

The concept of non-invasive back surgery may seem inherently contradictory. After all, how can a surgical procedure truly be noninvasive? Isn’t the nature of surgery that it is inherently intrusive? While this may have been true in years past, recent advancements in medical technology have revolutionized many back procedures, allowing some surgery to be completed on an outpatient basis without even requiring general anesthesia. While they may not be considered entirely non-invasive in the truest sense, they’re as minimally invasive as you can imagine. How is this possible?

Historically, if an individual was suffering from chronic back pain, and all conservative, nonsurgical treatments failed to deliver the results that they required, the only real avenue that remained was an open spine surgery, such as spinal fusion. During this operation, the patient would be admitted into the hospital, sedated, and a large incision would need to be made in order to provide the surgeon with room to operate. The problem with this approach is that while it can be effective in the long-term, it also is major surgery, which requires lengthy recovery and rehabilitation in order for the patient to regain full strength. What’s more, as is the case with any highly intrusive surgery, the patient must balance the potential risks for post operative complications versus the discomfort caused by their condition. For instance, infection, blood clotting, hemorrhaging, and graft rejection are all examples of the problems that can sometimes develop in the aftermath of surgery.

Non-invasive back surgery, or at least minimally invasive surgery, on the other hand, has grown exceedingly popular in recent years because it mitigates many of these risks because of the nature of the procedure. Rather than requiring a large incision to be made and the muscles that support the back to be cut, surgical instrumentation is inserted for access to the spine through a very small incision in the back – usually less than an inch long. A series of telescoping tubes is carefully thread into the incision, and soft tissue is pushed aside, rather than cut, which greatly limits collateral damage to the muscles, ligaments, and other tissue in the area.

In many ways, this type of surgery is very similar to arthroscopic knee surgery, which has been widely used for years. Various surgical hardware, including a laser, camera, suction, and other tools are carefully inserted through the tubes, allowing the surgeon to make the necessary fix in the spinal canal, whether it be removing degenerated disc materials, bone spurs, inserting stabilization hardware, or anything else. Then, when the procedure is completed, the patient normally can expect several weeks of light rehabilitation, and almost always is released home the same day as the procedure itself. Plus, in many instances, these treatments are completed in luxurious surgical centers that are far more comfortable and welcoming than traditional sterile hospital environments.

For the majority of people suffering from a degenerative spine condition, surgery will never be required. More often than not, a regimen of non-invasive, conservative techniques will deliver the results they require. However, if you struggle from persistent pain, a minimally invasive back surgery might be a compelling option for you.

Patrick Foote is the Director of eBusiness at Laser Spine Institute, the leader in endoscopic spine surgery. Laser Spine Institute specializes in safe and effective outpatient procedures that could be considered a non invasive back surgery.

Patrick Foote is the Director of eBusiness at Laser Spine Institute, the leader in endoscopic spine surgery. Laser Spine Institute specializes in procedures that can nearly be called non invasive back surgery.

Author Bio: Patrick Foote is the Director of eBusiness at Laser Spine Institute, the leader in endoscopic spine surgery. Laser Spine Institute specializes in safe and effective outpatient procedures that could be considered a non invasive back surgery.

Category: Medicines and Remedies
Keywords: non invasive back surgery

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