Protein Lover\’s Salad

Today\’s health-food diets are in stark contrast to what was considered a \’normal\’ diet less than 50 years ago. It used to be that meat and potatoes were the staple of every dinner, and eggs and bacon the cornerstone of every breakfast. Not so anymore. The so-called modern diet experts are touting more than ever the health benefits associated with vegetable diets. Where does that leave us voracious carnivores? In most social circles, it leaves us out in the cold, and our meat-rich diet is viewed upon as that of animalistic brutes who haven\’t quite caught up with the rest of the world. Okay, maybe that\’s an exaggeration. Lots of people still eat meat these days, although sparingly for most folks.

If you are a meat lover and you enjoy eating high levels of protein and fat, you\’ll love this meat lover\’s delight. It contains some of the best tasting meats that are both inexpensive and easy to prepare. Additionally, it contains one other ingredient that would make any licensed nutritionist run for the hills: mayonnaise! If the thought of heavy chunks of meat lathered in sinful mayonnaise doesn\’t scare you, keep reading!

For this salad (if you can call it that!), you\’ll need one fully cooked chicken breast. Cook it however you like – boiled, fried, grilled, flame broiled, steamed. Once it\’s done, dice it up into small chunks. You\’ll need to dice up a ham too, at least 8 ounces worth. Put the diced chicken and diced ham into a large bowl.

I love peppered bacon, but I know several people who don\’t, so if you\’re one of those people that avoids heavy doses of pepper, you might want to use regular bacon for this recipe. Fire up the heat on your stove top and then pan fry at least four thick slices of peppered bacon. The trick to not overcooking bacon is to remove it a few minutes before you think it\’s done; the hot grease will keep cooking the bacon after you remove it from the pan. Place the bacon on a layer of paper towels and let the grease drip off.

The next step is to make the salad dressing. Add these ingredients to a medium sized bowl: 1/2 cup of mayonnaise, 1/2 cup of sour cream, 2 tablespoons of mustard (preferably Dijon\’s), 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 1/2 cup of slivered almost (you can roast these in a frying pan if you prefer them crispy), and a 1/2 cup of diced celery. Mix it all together until it becomes smooth textured.

The bacon should have cooled down by now. Cut the bacon into tiny pieces (or simply tear it by hand into tiny pieces) and add the bacon to the bowl containing the chopped chicken and ham.

The final step is to pour the salad dressing into the bowl and mix everything together. Be warned: the mixture of meat, mayonnaise, and sour cream creates an extremely pleasurable, endorphin-releasing taste! Don’t eat it all at once. If you want to use this as a snack or an appetizer, spread this tasty salad onto Ritz crackers. Or, better yet, spread this salad onto some hot tortillas.

You should let the salad chill in the refrigerator for at least one hour before eating.

The below list of ingredients will serve four to six people:

You\’ll need these meats:

8 ounces of fully cooked, diced ham

8 ounces of fully cooked, diced chicken

4 to 6 pieces of cooked bacon (I prefer peppered)

You\’ll need these ingredients for the dressing:

1/2 cup of your favorite brand of sour cream (I prefer Knudsen)

1/2 cup of your favorite brand of mayonnaise (I prefer Best Foods)

1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice

2 tablespoons of your favorite mustard (I prefer Dijon\’s)

1/2 cup of diced celery

1/2 cup of slivered almonds (fry them in a pan if you want them crispy)

Salt and pepper

Dan writes for Red Shell Foods – a California based company that produces delicious salad dressing that you can order online and have shipped straight to your door. Learn more about their products at

Dan writes for Red Shell Foods – a California based company that produces delicious salad dressing that can be shipped straight to your door. Learn more about their products at

Author Bio: Dan writes for Red Shell Foods – a California based company that produces delicious salad dressing that you can order online and have shipped straight to your door. Learn more about their products at

Category: Food and Drinks
Keywords: meat lovers salad, meat and mayo salad

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