Choosing a Hotel When Traveling For Outpatient Surgery

If you are scheduled to receive outpatient surgery at a hospital or ambulatory surgery center (ASC) that is out of town, selecting the right hotel is the first step towards a healthier and faster recovery. Whether the surgery in question is elective or necessitated for pressing medical reasons, there are several criteria that you should keep in mind when choosing a hotel.

Perhaps the first thing you should consider is proximity. While outpatient surgical procedures are typically non-invasive and require shorter recovery times than traditional surgery, the closer you are to your surgical center, the better it will be. No matter how minor your surgery is, some recovery will still be necessary, and long car rides or complicated transportation arrangements may aggravate your condition. These days, you can find hotels near your surgical center by searching online, and calling your intended center to see if they have any nearby recommendations is also a good idea. Many hotels that are close to hospitals or ASCs forge working relationships with these medical centers, and as a result will likely have the accommodations you’ll need to recover properly and rapidly.

Speaking of accommodations, the next important step in choosing a hotel is to consider the quality of the lodging and the features you’ll need to feel comfortable. This goes beyond the number of stars next to a hotel’s name. Instead, it has more to do with the services they provide that might make your recovery easier. For example, hotels that offer room service and have particularly comfortable beds are often good choices, and hotels or inns that have smoking sections, even if your room is not located there, should generally be avoided. Another important consideration is whether the hotel has handicap or wheelchair access, which is especially significant if your outpatient surgery will have you off your feet for an extended period of time. Entertainment will also be a priority if you’ll have limited mobility after your surgery, so try to find a hotel that has a full cable package or offers free Wi-Fi or other types of Internet connectivity.

A third rule of thumb to follow when it comes to quality is to consider how long you plan to stay at the hotel. Generally speaking, the longer your stay, the better quality you’ll want, since you’ll have to deal with the living arrangements for a longer period of time. Choosing hotels that offer discounts for extended stays or that have cookware or mini-kitchens can help you make your room a comfortable temporary home while you recuperate.

Finally, when it comes to traveling for medical reasons, there are agencies and services that are expressly designed to help you find the kind of hotel you need. Agencies dedicated to medical tourism will place you at an appropriate hotel, and since their job is to ensure that their clients are happy, their word is far more trustworthy than a few reviews on a hotel’s website. These travel agencies may even be able to help you find a nearby recovery center. Recovery centers are typically used for more involved surgeries, and provide many of the comforts of an upscale hotel along with dedicated medical care and services. However, if price is a consideration, you should also know that recovery centers, while providing the best care available, typically cost as much as the finest hotels.

Fortunately, regardless of the hotel you choose, by their very nature many outpatient surgeries have relatively short recovery times, so the odds are that you’ll be back on your feet and on your way home in no time.

John Soland is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Mr. Soland is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to travel.

John Soland is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Mr. Soland is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to travel.

Author Bio: John Soland is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Mr. Soland is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to travel.

Category: Travel

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