How to Prepare For Your Upcoming Surgical Procedure

If you are faced with the prospect of undergoing a surgical procedure in the near future, believe it not, you probably can breathe a sigh of relief. First of all, the pain you have been experiencing will soon be alleviated. And, secondly, you’ve taken care of the toughest tasks associated with the entire surgery process – selecting a surgeon to perform the surgery, and settling on the surgery center where you’ll undergo the procedure. Alas, there are still a few tasks that need to be addressed in order to ensure your surgical procedure is a completely successful one, not necessarily in terms of your overall health, but things that can lead to stress during the recovery process.

Continue to Exercise and Maintain a Well-Balanced Diet Leading Up To Your Surgery

For those who maintain a healthy lifestyle, it’s important to continue on the same trend leading up to your planned surgery. For those who have not, now is the time to change things up a bit, as it can certainly have an impact in your overall recovery and health.

The starting point for everyone facing surgery should be regular exercise. Depending on your particular condition, you could very well be limited in the amount of physical exercises that you can perform. However, by doing some research regarding your specific condition and planned procedure, you can undoubtedly find some activities that can be done regularly. The important thing to remember is that workouts don’t need to be strenuous – in fact, it is recommended to avoid strenuous physical activity before surgery – to have a positive effect, but that some work – like a 15-minute walk – is better than nothing at all.

Proper nutrition is also extremely important. Sticking with a well-balanced diet leading up to surgery can pay dividends during the recovery process, particularly the intake of proteins, which help you heal faster. It is important to remember not to restrict your diet or calorie intake before a surgical procedure, unless your surgeon specifically requires you to do so in the time leading up to your surgery.

Examine Your Finances

The old adage “time is money” can certainly apply to surgical procedures, not just in terms of how costly medical care is today, but also in terms of money that could potentially be lost during recovery time. That’s why it is important to look at your finances in regards to several topics to ensure that problems that could have been avoided don’t arise while you are trying to recover.

For starters, if you are going to have to miss work, you will want to check to see if you have enough vacation or sick time available to cover the amount of time you will be away from your workplace. Checking with your employer’s human resources department likely is the best course of action to obtain an answer. If you are going to miss a substantial amount of time at work, you should also check into whether or not you can file a short-term disability claim, which can help supplement your lost income. And, in the scenario of missing extended time, it’s best to make sure that you have set up to have payments made for your most important bills, such as home, car, etc. You also will want to make sure you understand the out-of-pocket expenses that you face for the surgery, if your insurance plan doesn’t cover 100 percent of the cost.

Arrange for Help Afterwards

Depending on the type of surgery you are having, the procedure could limit your mobility. If this is a situation you are facing, it’s important to think ahead and arrange for necessary help for when you are in recovery. It could be as simple has having a friend pick you up from the surgery center to drive you home, or as complex as needing a relative or private medical care personnel providing extended care for you at your residence. Be sure to talk about this extensively with your surgeon and put a firm plan in place so that you are able to relax and ensure a speedy and stress-free recovery.

John Soland is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Mr. Soland is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to surgery tips.

John Soland is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Mr. Soland is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to surgery tips.

Author Bio: John Soland is an experienced writer who has written for a number of notable publications. As a lifestyle expert, Mr. Soland is able to offer advice and insight on a multitude of topics, including those pertaining to surgery tips.

Category: Medicines and Remedies

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