The Long Term Effects of Stress

There is much reported about the long-term effects of stress and yet for many people, they are living under extraordinary pressures and have no easy way seemingly to ease the pressures. Unfortunately in the current financial climate where people have to work harder, taking on extra jobs and having to juggle home and family life, pressures escalate. Stress is not a bad thing per se as it is a warning light to indicate that things are becoming too much but, the problems occur when these warning signs are ignored. The long term effects of stress are bad and can have a very negative impact on health.

Author Frenee Dellosa states in her book, ‘Free Your Mind Right Now’, ‘If left unchecked, stress can turn into a chronic condition that results in significant and negative consequences to our health.’ She is right. The decline in health can take many forms including fatigue, immune deficiencies, heart disease, anxiety and depression to name but a few. Often people are unaware of just how bad things are and they just keep going, resolute and determined to not give in. As a nurse, Frenee was only too aware of the physical and emotional impact of stressful events and she was convinced that some of these conditions could have been avoided.

Unfortunately, many people opt for the \’bury their head in the sand\’ approach to managing their lives, which might work for a short period but, those stresses and increased pressures start to turn inwards. It is a difficult time for people. Times are hard and this approach is often taken out of frustration and an inability to cope with life in general.

When you think about the relief you feel generally when you have faced up to and solved a problem that has been nagging away at you, this is just one aspect towards successful stress management. Hiding from problems has the opposite effect. They compound and they muddy the waters of clear thinking.

Frenee’s own sister almost died following a stroke at the age of 36, she was convinced that her sister was unable to cope with the increasing pressures of life. Luckily she recovered although the rehabilitation was grueling. Frenee is keen to get the message across to others, she states, ‘This is why I feel strongly about managing our stressors. If we take care of our stressors, this will prevent the catastrophic illnesses that can result if left unchecked.’

Learning to free the mind is so important especially if it is impossible to eradicate certain stressors. There has to be a switch off valve that can be utilized and to incorporate general relaxation techniques where letting go of tension is the primary goal. Learning to relax the body is wonderful and vital to help combat feelings of stress and using breathing techniques will also help to start stilling the mind. Meditation techniques can then be utilized to help eradicate the bombardment of thoughts and this will enable anyone with regular practice to be able to obtain greater peace of mind and a healthier body. It is not difficult to learn but can provide a much needed and positive step forward to a much healthier way of living.

Annette Young Freelance Writer, Author, Editor Writers Resource Website Intense Murder Mystery Freelance Writing Website

Annette Young Freelance Writer, Author, Editor

Author Bio: Annette Young Freelance Writer, Author, Editor Writers Resource Website Intense Murder Mystery Freelance Writing Website

Category: Self Help
Keywords: long term effects of stress, stress management, free your mind, anxiety and stress management,

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