The Nature of Reality Through the Eyes of a Traumatized Abuse Victim

At the time of this writing, I was introduced to an interesting woman with a decidedly different perception of reality. This woman is in her fifties. I’ll call her Evelyn. Although I do not know Evelyn’s history, I made some assumptions about her, based on the statements she made. Evelyn stated that people are breaking into her apartment and cutting up her clothes. She has repeatedly asked her landlord to change the locks on her door. Evelyn abandoned several apartments because of this frightening disturbance.

Evelyn has been homeless for years at a time as a result of what medical doctors refer to as paranoia. She told me that she called the police about her fears. Apparently she was admitted to an inpatient psychiatric hospital for several months for doing so. More recently she has contacted the FBI and the Whitehouse concerning her distress. She stated that no one is listening to her. Evelyn said that her doctor told her she is making up stories and lying (whether or not that was doctor\’s exact words are unknown). I decided to refrain from making that same remark.

My guess is (and this is only a guess) that someone was breaking into her room as a child and abusing her. Evelyn made some vague references to her childhood. I do not know what they were about, and I certainly would not repeat them to anyone if I did know. I believe my suspicions may explain why she abandons her apartments in favor of homeless shelters. This would not seem rational to the average person. It seems to me that Evelyn feels unsafe in her apartment as a result of childhood trauma.

I assume that Evelyn is dependent on the over-burdened state and federal social programs for her food, shelter, and health care. Our mental health care system is ill-equipped to deal with people like her. The mental health care system’s resources are limited and quickly dwindling.

In Evelyn\’s personal reality, these experiences are real. I believe her condition would be labeled post-traumatic stress disorder. On some level, Evelyn’s experiences are taking place with as much physicality as the computer you are using to access this article. To Evelyn, these experiences are not hallucinations. She perceives her intruders with as much reality as you and I.

In metaphysics, we know that the mind creates reality. This reality creating process may be limited to our personal realities, or it may also involve the greater, or shared reality of others. Our thoughts become the things we perceive in the physical environment. The ancient mystics were the first to report that the universe is a complex mental structure. They also told us that mental energy is of a vibratory quality. Modern mystics have gone on to explore the universe and the nature of reality using these early concepts as a foundation.

I believe that Evelyn is telling the truth about people breaking into her apartment. This same theme occurs over and over for her. Again, I believe that, in Evelyn’s personal reality, these home intruders are truly real. Evelyn must be extremely frustrated that no one will acknowledge her distress. Nobody wants people breaking into their home. Perhaps I should have said to her “I’m sorry that they are doing that to you. You have the right to tell them to stop.” This is just an afterthought. My hypnosis instructor made me aware of this technique. I’m not sure if this is the correct way to respond to a traumatized person in her situation. Apparently, no one else has given any thought to it.

From a metaphysical standpoint, it seems that a person with post-traumatic stress disorder allows a large part of their consciousness to either leave their body, or create a distinct and separate reality, much the same as the one in which you and I exist.

I have personally witnessed North American shamans successfully heal people with medical illnesses using a process they call soul retrieval. In soul retrieval, the practitioner somehow seeks out the missing parts of a person’s consciousness and encourages these pieces to return to the person’s body. On one occasion, I observed the physical manifestation a man’s missing spirit parts entering his body through his right leg. I was told that some parts of the person’s consciousness may refuse to return. I should mention that the altruistic shamans I met do not charge for their healing service. Donations are always appreciated however.

When a child tells an adult about their imaginary friend, we automatically assume this is an innocent childhood hallucination. Doctors call children’s imaginary friends a product of creativity. Could there actually be an invisible purple dinosaur standing in the middle of the room? I do believe this is possible based on the power of the mind. Once again I will say that all thoughts manifest on a mental or physical plane.

Spirits are invisible to us, yet mediums will tell you that they are, in fact, in the room with you. Mediums are able to communicate personal messages from spirits that can be verified as accurate by the person receiving the information. My point here is that just because you can’t see something doesn’t mean it isn’t real.

Some mentally ill people make statements to get a reaction out of the other person. In one case, a mentally impaired man tried to get a rise out of me by saying he was in the mafia and the CIA. This is not something that I believe, and he certainly doesn’t believe it either. His intention was too let me know how “crazy” he is.

When we are speaking to a person, it’s essential to recognize his or her mental state. The reason this is important is that you will be able to understand the person and relate to them without being confused and scared. Most people will not take the time to do this. It’s easy to avoid people who are not in touch with the consensus reality. It could also be that most of us do not have the patience to learn to relate to them. Therefore, we have frightened people in this world, like Evelyn calling the Whitehouse saying “No one is listening to me.”

David Almeida is a Spiritualist and researcher of Rosicrucian philosophy and esoteric knowledge. David is a past article contributor to the Sedona Journal of Emergence. He is also a Board Certified Hypnotist and Reiki healer. David is the author of The First Truth: A Book of Metaphysical Theories and Illusion of the Body: Introducing the Body Alive Principle. Both books can be purchased at Visit

David Almeida is a Spiritualist and researcher of Rosicrucian philosophy and esoteric knowledge. David is a past article contributor to the Sedona Journal of Emergence. He is also a Board Certified Hypnotist and Reiki healer. David is the author of The First Truth: A Book of Metaphysical Theories and Illusion of the Body: Introducing the Body Alive Principle. Both books can be purchased at Visit

Author Bio: David Almeida is a Spiritualist and researcher of Rosicrucian philosophy and esoteric knowledge. David is a past article contributor to the Sedona Journal of Emergence. He is also a Board Certified Hypnotist and Reiki healer. David is the author of The First Truth: A Book of Metaphysical Theories and Illusion of the Body: Introducing the Body Alive Principle. Both books can be purchased at Visit

Category: Writing
Keywords: PTSD delusions, post traumatic stress disorder, PTSD halluncinations, PTSD psychosis, PTSD

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