Christian Relationship Advice For Christian Youth and Young Adults

Being in a relationship is fantastic. You have someone who loves you and someone to love. However, it is not easy, being two different people with different personalities and preferences. Being Christians in a relationship, however, has a plus. Aside from Christian relationship advice that you get every now and then from well-meaning friends, you have Jesus at the center of your relationship and He is the One strengthening you and empowering you to walk in love to be the best you can be. He is the key to a flourishing relationship that will be a blessing not only to those in the relationship but to the people around them as well.

Youth and young adults in a relationship you would do well to heed a Christian relationship advice or two if they want their relationship to be stronger and be a greater blessing.

1. Allow the Holy Spirit to always guide you. Jesus gave us the Holy Spirit to empower us to do what is right. He is the One leading and guiding us into what is right. He convicts us if there is something wrong. So it is best to trust Him and obey His leading. Best Christian relationship advice you can get is from the Holy Spirit. If there is something between you and your partner, something you are doing or want to do that doesn\’t feel right and you know the Holy Spirit is counseling you to stop, then stop.

2. Always put love before lust. Young people are passionate people. A good Christian relationship advice to follow is this: Until you are married, it is wrong engage in sexual relationships. Love is a fruit of the Holy Spirit and so is self-control. You can control passions that are not in place by asking the Holy Spirit for grace to overcome and by avoiding situations that can cause you to give in to lustful passions. Remember, your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. Take care of it and keep it pure. It is to be kept holy for marriage.

3. Always check your personal motives. You are in a relationship to love someone, to give, to be a blessing. Or maybe you want to control or just gratify your ego? Meeting selfish needs is not a reason to be in a relationship. It is wrong, it is not of Christ. Christi gave Himself for us. Love sacrifices and commits to do things that will make the other person better and enriched by our presence in their lives.

4. Go beyond the physical. Is your relationship just centered on the physical attraction and interaction that you have? If you are not growing socially, emotionally,, mentally and, of course, spiritually, then it may be time to think again and evaluate what you have. It is a good Christian relationship advice to follow.

5. Respect and honor the other person. The Bible says we should esteem others better than ourselves. Love esteems other people. Love honors and does not put down. Love builds up people. You should not do anything that will make the other person uncomfortable and you certainly should not pressure them to do something they do not like.

6. Daily you should put on the full armor of God so you can resist temptation. There are many instances that you can be provoked to anger or lust, and you need the protection of God over these temptations. You need the grace of God to overcome and be the light that you are called to be. There may be days of misunderstanding or anxiety and you need the power of God to rise above situations that can be challenging. You can always trust Him to see you through and bring you to victory.

Relationships are designed to strengthen others and bless them with the love of God. Following a sound Christian relationship advice or two would help you conduct yourselves rightly in the sight of God and in the sight of men that your relationship may glorify God.

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Category: Relationships
Keywords: christian relationship,christian relationship advice

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