Master Splinter

If you are looking to find your mentor, it might take you a few minutes to consider a number of people, but for the teenage mutant ninja turtles the answer is easy, Master Splinter. He is their father figure, the man who will guide these mutants to be the best versions of themselves and even further. Splinter is a loved character much like any mentor, and is wise beyond his years. This article is going to examine what his relationship is with the mutant ninja turtles and what his abilities are that will allow Splinter to relish. Splinter is actually named after The Stick which is Marvel\’s Dare Devils\’ mentor, who as you can guess takes quite a bit from. Splinter is the teenage mutant ninja turtle\’s father figure and who they look at for their guidance in times of issues and hard knocks. Master Splinter is not only a father figure but a true role model for the turtle\’s, a man of much wisdom and skills, a true renaissance man.

Splinter rescued a group of baby turtles from ooze on his way home one day, who knew they were going to grow up to be the crime fighting turtle they turned into. He decided upon naming the turtles after the four great Renaissance artists, to remind them of the once great men who had mastered numerous skills in one lifetime. He then taught them of ninjutsu, an ancient Japanese martial art that teaches discipline and patience, although as we know some of the brothers are not the best at the later. He then protected the four brothers from the human world, as the dangers that embody it to his opinion are too dangerous for young turtles. He always has concern about the unknown but this distrust of the outside world has not ruined this man\’s beautiful heart. Although Splinter is a father figure to the teenage mutant ninja turtles, he never assumes this role but rather, he is simply their master, the ninja master. Splinter is an extremely protective rat, and if someone threatens his family he will not hesitate to fight for them.

Master splinter is a profound master in ninjutsu, so much so he is a grand master of the martial art. Ninjutsu preaches patience and discipline in a controlled environment, which Splinter pushes for his little turtles. Not only is he a grand master, he is also fully capable with all of the weapons that the turtles use including the Kanata, sai, nunchaku, and the Bo Staff. Not only these weapons, but his main weapon is the staff upon which he is a renowned expert. Splitter has also achieved a status of being able to control the mystical. He has mastered psychic ability, which has really helped when the little ones were misbehaving or dealing with criminals. He also perfected astral projection which allows him to leave his physical body and experience things from a different perspective. This ability is done by getting to a state of meditation where your body literally is left behind. A perfectly clear mind and immense concentration is needed to achieve this level of meditation. Splinter is a true renaissance man, he is a grand master in ninjutsu, is skilled with all sorts of ninja weapons and even his staff is a dangerous weapon when put in his hands and last but not least has perfected both psychic abilities as well as astral projection.

Master Splinter, the courageous father figure that rescued the teenage mutant ninja turtles on a faithful day, giving them a life fit for a king, especially a king who likes pizza. This article has reviewed what Master Splinter\’s relationship with the brothers Raphael, Michelangelo, Leonardo, and Donatello is, as well as his specific special abilities. He is a true renaissance man, he is a grand master in ninjutsu, can both utilize psycic ability and astral projection, as well he is an expert in all weapons that the brothers use and to add to this he makes his simple staff a weapon in a fraction of a second. Splinter is your classic father figure, extremely protective over the turtles and his biggest fear is releasing them to the unknown. He knows the turtles would be OK, but still like to keep an eye over essentially his only kin. Master Splinter is the wise old man, but this wise old man can fight like no other rat you have seen. Do not between a Splinter and his turtles or you will have a hard time.

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Category: Entertainment
Keywords: master splinter, ninja turtles, father figure

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