How to Get Your ex Back

Break ups are one of the toughest, most painful things we can experience in life. When your partner tells you “things aren’t working out, and I want to break up,” your heart drops and you feel sick to your stomach. We’ve all been there, and it’s a terrifying feeling to go through. But the good news is that there is hope. Break ups don’t always last when careful steps are taken following the break up. Ex couples get back together every day.

There is no guarantee that you and your ex will get back together. People break up for different reasons, but your chances of getting back together are much higher if these steps are followed closely. After a break up a lot of emotions come into play. Anger, confusion, and sadness can all take over. You’ll do anything to get your ex back. But you want to be careful not to push your ex even further away. So keep reading to find out how to get your ex back.

The first thing is to understand why the break up happened. Were you fighting all the time, growing apart, or maybe even infidelity was involved? Whatever the reason may be, it was most likely the both of you who contributed to the reason for the break up. The best thing for you to do at this point, is to realize what you may have done to contribute to the break up, and to know that it’s okay, and learn from your mistakes to help you avoid the same ones in the future. There’s no point in getting angry with yourself over it. Just learn from it and work hard to avoid the same mistakes.

Know this, your ex still cares about you and is thinking about you. If you were in a serious relationship with each other then your ex still loves you. Most people don’t just one day wake up and decide they don’t love their partner anymore. There is still love there, but your ex just needs time to think about things and what went wrong, and to realize themselves that they don’t want to go on without you. It takes time, space, and patience on your part.

Being patient means you don’t contact them, at all! It’s easier said than done, but this is one of the most important steps. After a break up we become desperate and scared. You may have thoughts that if you don’t contact your ex now they’ll forget all about you and fall in love with someone else soon. As stated before, if you were serious, your ex will not be able to move on right after the break up.

If you’re having desperate thoughts about your ex seeing someone else, your first instinct will be to smother them with texts and phone calls, begging them to come back to you. You may have the idea that letting your ex know how miserable you are without them will make them take you back. The truth is, all you’re doing is showing them how desperate and needy you are, and you will push them further away.

Reasons to not contact your ex:

-It makes you look desperate

-It makes you look clingy

-It can make you feel worse about yourself

-An argument could happen making the whole situation worse

-If you don’t get the results you wanted, you could start feeling even more lonely

Now lets say they do take you back after you begged them over and over again. Did they take you back out of pity? Most likely that’s the reason, and if you have any respect for yourself at all you don’t want anyone taking you back out of pity. You want your ex to come back to you because they love you and they wanted to come back, not because they felt sorry for you.

Your ex needs time to miss you. As long as they are missing you, they will be wondering what you are up to, and why you haven’t contacted them. So you need to prove to your ex that you can be happy and enjoy life without them, and one way to show them how confident and happy you are is by not contacting them. If you don’t contact them, in their mind you are not a needy person, and that’s much more attractive to your ex.

Now if some time has gone by since the break up, and your ex starts dating someone else, you cannot freak out on them. This again makes you look desperate, weak, insecure and extremely jealous. You have to play it cool, and remember to be confident.

If it’s a rebound, then most rebounds don’t last long anyways. It’s a way for them to use someone else to get over you. They may not think of it like that, but that’s basically what a rebound is. Which also means you should stay away from any rebounds or one night stands. If you think that waking up next to someone else shortly after your break up will help you get rid of the pain, you may want to rethink things. It will only make things worse for you, and your self-esteem.

If you have already made any of these mistakes that were mentioned above, don’t worry. We’ve all done it because it’s in our nature. Just realize that you need to stop yourself from making these mistakes again because they are not helping you win back your ex, and follow the next few steps in getting them back.

Your goal should be to become a happy, attractive person during this no contact time. Take this opportunity to get to know yourself and work on any issues you may have in your life. Do things to take your mind off the break up by staying active. Working outside in the garden, shopping, exercising, or going out with friends and family. Get a new hairdo if you like. Feel good about yourself, and then write down all the things you did that helped you keep your mind off your ex, and keep doing those things.

Reasons why you should be taking this time to better yourself:

-Keep depression away

-Realize you can be happy in life no matter what

-Make certain changes in your life

-Have time to think about whether or not you really want them back

-To become even more attractive to your ex if they do come around. They may regret ever breaking up with you in the first place.

So how long do you wait to contact your ex? It’s different for everyone, but definitely not in a week or two. Usually a month or even two months is a good amount of no contact time. Remember, you want them to miss you and not see you as a desperate person. When you contact them, you want them to remember what they liked about you. You want them to remember what attracted you to them when you first started dating.

If you contact them, you can ask them to meet up with you for a coffee, or something simple. Don’t ask them out as if you were going on a serious date. When you meet up with them you want them to see the new you. They will see that you’ve been taking care of yourself, and see how happy you are. This is what’s attractive to your ex.

Remember to be confident, and relaxed. Don’t talk about the relationship unless your ex brings it up first. Catch up on other things like the classes they’re taking, or how their job is going. Again, don’t make your ex think that you’re depressed or miserable without them.

Be the one to end the meet up. End it politely, letting them know you have to be somewhere, and tell them it was good seeing them again. Then after the meet up, don’t contact them right away. Let them be the one who contacts you, and if they ask you out again, great! You know you’ve done something right, and you can slowly rekindle your relationship with your ex.

Take things slow, and don’t rush into it. Again, don’t be desperate or needy. This is a new relationship. The old one is gone and you want them to see the new and improved you.

David Yachanin is the author of the website He is an expert in the field of dating and relationships. His website contains many articles on relationship advice, where to find a relationship, what love is about, and more. Visit the website to get more information on relationships and dating tips. Visit to see more information on getting your ex back.

David Yachanin is the author of the website He is an expert in the field of dating and relationships. His website contains many articles on relationship advice, where to find a relationship, what love is about, and more. Visit the website to get more information on relationships and dating tips. Visit to see more information on getting your ex back.

Author Bio: David Yachanin is the author of the website He is an expert in the field of dating and relationships. His website contains many articles on relationship advice, where to find a relationship, what love is about, and more. Visit the website to get more information on relationships and dating tips. Visit to see more information on getting your ex back.

Category: Relationships
Keywords: How to get your ex back, get your ex back, get your ex girlfriend back, get your ex boyfriend back

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