Make Money Online: Part 1 – Psychology of Success

In today’s online world there are many opportunities to make money online. Some are better than others in my opinion, but nearly all strategies can be profitable as long as the right level of commitment and drive are applied.

Some options for online income include:

-Running a monetized blog or website

-Placing ads as an affiliate marketer

-Doing freelance jobs on places live

-Setting up Ebay stores and selling things

-Network marketing

Despite being a profitable industry, a high percentage of people fail within their first year of online business. This results in a community perception that these types of businesses are schemes and they don’t work. In most cases the problem lies more in the people involved than in the strategies themselves.

Why do people fail?

Making money online requires consistent and focused long term effort to succeed. To many people who have been educated in a job or for traditional business, this can be a big change. Change is where the psychology part comes in. Whether we realise it or not, changes in our life promote a cascading response of shock, denial, fear, anger until eventually becoming acceptance and positivity. For some people the full change response can be almost instantaneous, for others they may be stuck in the early fear and denial stages for a long time.

The way out brain works is that it perceives the negative emotions such as fear as dangerous to us, so sabotages us with negative thoughts and other physical responses to try to push us away from the action that is making us feel this dangerous emotion. This can be one of the reasons why you see people who have committed to a change not able to stick it out. They are stuck in one of the early stages of denial, fear or anger and have simply been “talked out of” whatever activity it was they were doing to cause those emotions. For example: In a recent study of heart patients who were told they would die if they didn’t change, only 1 in 7 were able to successfully implement that change ongoing. You can read more about this is Robert Kegan’s book “Immunity to Change”.

How does this apply to making money online?

Working in the online industry is a BIG change to what most people are used to. It takes a lot of hard work in the beginning, and often the rewards are not seen until later down the track. In this way people allow their fears and their negativity to sabotage their effort. Most of these are subconscious but they are always there until they are addressed. Things like:

-What will people think of me?

-Will I ever make any money?

-This doesn’t work, why do I even bother!

-I’m not the right kind of person to do this.

-I’ll never be any good.

-It’s too hard, I’ll never get it!

So how can you succeed?

This simplest thing is to address the fears and negative sabotaging internal voice by thinking positively – keep at least 2 positive thoughts in your head at all times. It sounds stupid, and cliche, but it works if you don’t give up. Turn those negative thoughts mentioned before into:

-I will show everyone how great I can be

-I’m closer every day to making money

-This will work if I follow the system and focus my effort on the right task

-I can do this if I don’t give up

-If I keep learning and increasing my skills I will do it

-I’ll keep trying and learning and I will get it

So that’s it, the most important tool in your business for making money online is a positive mindset and committing to the task for the long term. There are of course many other aspects that will lead you to success in this industry, but I’ll cover these in later articles.

Kira-marie is an entrepreneur helping people create wealth. Click Here to see how she can help you.

Kira-marie is an entrepreneur helping people create wealth. Click here to see how she can help you.

Author Bio: Kira-marie is an entrepreneur helping people create wealth. Click Here to see how she can help you.

Category: Business
Keywords: make money online, success

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