How to Communicate with Your Higher Self for Wisdom and Guidance?

Are we just a body with a personality? From my understanding, we are much more than that. Each one of us has a higher aspect. This higher aspect has been typically called the Higher Self. If I am not wrong, others have also referred to it as the oversoul or overself.

Who and what is the Higher Self? From my experience, the Higher Self is the intelligence and wisdom aspect of our own self. Ironically, the Higher Self is impersonal and does not have a sense of self like the way our personality is. Nevertheless, it serves as a guiding aspect for the personality or ego.

Can this elusive higher self be contacted? Yes and typically it is done through meditation or some other altered states of consciousness.

A little bit about me. Back in the late 1990s, I discovered that if I am thinking hard about a subject that is of a spiritual inquiry, I will sometimes receive visions that attempt to answer my queries. Mostly the visions are symbolic. Higher self will communicate by impulsing symbols and visions that form messages into my awareness.

An example of such transmissions:

Some years ago, I was contemplating on the nature of the cycle of reincarnation. Will lost souls be forever looped within the lower realm? (According to many Eastern Beliefs, Beings who had not attained enlightenment will be caught in a vicious circle of perpetual birth and rebirth.) Suddenly, out of nowhere, I received a transmission from beyond my conscious mind. It came as a package, like a burst of images, symbols and moods. Very fast, split second impressions. The package seemed to be received by the right hemisphere of my brain. My brain instinctively attempted to interpret the transmission before I lose it. How do I know it was not my imagination?

Well, firstly I do not think in pictures. I think in languages; English, Mandarin, etc. Secondly, the transmitted images were performing a dual-split to my consciousness. That is, the images are simultaneously Tadalis SX overlaying my visual perception of the environment around me. Well, a dual-split in consciousness is definitely not the usual way my mind works!

The animated vision was set against a light blue background. There were rings or bands of a lighter colour moving towards a centre point. Because the transmission was so fast, I think I might had lose some vital information.

Anyway, here is my interpretation. Please understand that it was my physical brain that did this interpretation. As such I can never be to sure about the accuracy of my interpretation:

The transmission is attempting to correct errors or rather incompleteness within my understanding of the scheme of things. The cycle of reincarnation is never meant to last forever. Eventually all will return back to the Source or essence.

Well, that transmission was many years ago. My understanding on that matter has been refined since then. However, the transmission was appropriate (to my level of understanding) at that time.

Over the years, these vision transmissions from Higher Self, together with the guidance of Enlightened Physical Teachers, have helped me to understand the dynamics consciousness and the universe greatly.

You can start communicating with your higher self by asking the Question: Who am I?

What come to mind when you ask this of yourself? How many different memories, ideas, and things seem like a part of you? What do you identify with? Does this process of identification help you, or just cause suffering?

Perhaps when your favorite basketball team loses, you suffer as though YOU lost. When your car is damaged it feels like YOU are hurt. When somebody attacks who they think you are, it seems as though they actually reach inside and poke at your true self. How can you escape this unecessary drama and pain?

Seeing the process of identification clearly can free you Cialis from the ego attachments that cause you to suffer. There is a simple meditation that can help you with this.

Sit or lay comfortably in a quiet place. Relax, close your eyes, and take several deep breaths. Breath through your nose, eventually letting your breathing fall into a natural pattern. Pay attention to your breath, to the air moving in and out of your lungs and nose. Let the tension drain from your body.

Ask the question in your mind, “Where am I?” Then ask, “What am I?” and “Who am I?” Just let these questions sit for a moment in your mind.

Become aware of your body, and consider your leg. Would you cease to exist if you lost it? Are you your leg? Continue through the parts of your body, asking of each part, “Am I here?” and “Is this what I am?”

Then open your eyes and look around. Are you any of these things? You might feel pain when your favorite chair breaks, as though it were you, but you are not that chair. Which of these things you own are you? Ask these questions. Ask, “Am I this?”

Now close your eyes again and say your name in your mind. Is there a sense of identity? And if you had no name? Ask yourself “Am I really…” and say your name again. Consider what the most honest answer is. Try saying “I am…” and insert any other name. Note how, when you call yourself by another name, you feel differently. You have a name-identity that is a collection of ideas, something seen differently by you and others.

Let feelings arise, and ask “Am I this fear?… this pain, sadness, desire, pleasure, or anger? You can see that your feelings are not you – they just pass through you. Clothes, body, reputation – none of it is your true self-identity, is it?

Continue this meditation for twenty minutes or so. Take a deep breath and get up, noticing if you feel different, maybe less worried or less attached to things, feelings and thoughts. Repeat the meditation as often as necessary, to remind you of what you are not. Oh, and you really do not need to answer the question, “Who am I?”

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Category: Religion and Spirituality/Metaphysical
Keywords: divine, consciousness, metaphysic, higher self, self growth, meditation, higher self

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