Archive for the "Education" Category


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Is There Another Property Boom Coming For Australians? By Jamie McIntyre

A few months ago, it seemed unlikely that such a question would be posed in the near future. Since 2007 we have often heard property sceptics such as Professor Steven Keen and US economist Harry Dent amongst other analysts claim an impending 40-60% crash in Australian Property prices. During a 2008 interview with 2GB radio, […]

Great Advice to 1L Law Students: Study for the Test, Not the Socratic Instructional Method

I recently read a blog post from a few years back by Ken DeLeon, the guy who founded He was encouraging first year law students (commonly referred to as \”1Ls\”) to focus on exam prep as the fast track to success in law school. I\’ve been out of law school for several years now, […]

How Educational Trips Can Help Teachers Make an Impact on Children?

Educational trips not only help children learn better when they are away from their classroom environment, but it can certainly help teachers to a great extent in making great impact on children. Several studies have shown that a simple field trip on a subject can make great impact on children, than several textbooks, demonstrations and […]

Advantages of Curriculum Linked School Trips

Most of us are familiar with what has become a childhood ritual – School trips! That\’s right, taking children for school trips like amusement parks, farms, factories, nature centers and other outdoor activities contributes some of the key elements in their learning process. Several researches have documented that school field trips to a great extent, […]

Enhancing Educational Experience With Field Trips

Schools take students to different educational facilities that help them to get a hands-on learning experience and high interaction level than they usually get in school. Visiting aquariums for example, often have massive display tanks for children who can learn a lot from fishes than what they see in their regular textbooks. According to a […]

Kids Summer Attractions – Why to Take Your Child to an Educational Trip?

We all know that education is extremely important for our children and we strive hard to provide them the best we can afford. However, formal education is not enough for transforming a child into an intelligent, responsible citizen. He has a lot to learn from seeing, touching, feeling, hearing and smelling the Mother Nature. Contrary […]

Study Skills For Middle School Students; How to Overcome Overwhelm

A few days ago, I was sitting in the waiting room of a local gym, watching my daughter’s gymnastics class through the viewing window. Another mom was seated next to me, watching her son’s class, bouncing a baby on her lap, and cradling a cell phone in her neck as she talked to someone at […]

Violin Lessons

Have you ever listened to violin music? You can just hear the emotion coming from each note. For those of you who have always wanted to play the violin, why don\’t you pursue your dreams? You may believe you are not capable of playing this instrument (or any other instrument, for that matter), but that […]

From College Dropout to $850 Million Net Worth by 25… by Jamie McIntyre

In 2004, three college sophomores arrived in Silicon Valley with their fledging college social network. It was live on just a handful of college campuses. It wasn’t the market leading social network, or even the first college social network. Other companies had launched sooner, and with more features. With 150,000 registered users, it made very […]

OSINT is an Essential Part of Intelligence Training and Intelligence Analysis

Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) is all around us. OSINT is exactly what its name implies-intelligence that is open to everyone. Our age is the “information age” so OSINT may be more useful than it may appear. What people, organizations, and governments post on websites, or the informational footprint they leave on the World Wide Web, […]