Archive for the "Gardening" Category

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Fun Kids Gardening Projects

Children and gardening go hand-in-hand in a way. Children love to play in the dirt and love to mimic what their parents do. Combining the two can give your child hours of fun. They can have fun playing in the dirt and learning about gardening from a young age. Whether or not you are a […]

Use Red Wiggler Worms For Vermicomposting

Out of all the worm specie only a few are suitable to use in composting bins. The red wiggler (Eisenia) is the most popular as it has the characteristics useful to breading and growing worms. It is claimed that they will eat between 50% to 100% of their weight a day. With their hearty appetites […]

Bucket Gardening For Kids

Gardening is usually enjoyed by kids if introduced and done in a less serious way. This includes using colorful buckets as their container for the plants they want to grow. Container gardening is a popular method of gardening for those who don’t have the privilege to plant on a large area. However, some gardeners just […]

DIY Garden Landscaping Can Be Fun

You may be looking out over your yard and wondering what you should do to spruce it up. Hiring someone is probably too expensive. Yet you know the basic skills and basic ideas, and could start to bring about the changes with a bit of DIY garden landscaping. The first thing to deal with is […]

How to Look After Your Garden Shed Throughout the Year

Many people think that once you have your garden shed set up you can just leave it. This is not actually true, particularly if you want your shed to last. It is a good idea to perform maintenance on your garden shed throughout the year. There are a lot of things that you can do […]

Earthworms For Your Garden

To the causal gardener earthworms may seem like a slimy unwelcome guest. Something that has to be tolerated if there is to be a lawn and garden. If that is your attitude this article will help change you mind. * Worms it turns out are very beneficial to our gardens and lawns. As they tunnel […]

Wire Compost Bin For Small Gardens

Having a small garden shouldn’t limit your creativity and your desire for gardening as you can do everything you want in a small garden similar to when you have a big garden. The same thing goes with composting in a limited space and with a large place. There are many methods that can be used […]

Why Garden Parties Are Cool

You can always have your party thrown anywhere as they can be celebrated anywhere, but having a garden party is a different thing. Imagine in a garden party you can have a view of the swimming pool or doing all sorts of water activities in the crystal clear waters of the pool of the garden. […]

What to Feed the Worms in Your Bin

Worm bins can be a great help when you are into organic gardening as you can get the nutrient rich organic fertilizer known as worm castings. Aside from the benefit of having your own organic fertilizer for your garden, a worm bin eats up little space making it practical and very convenient to have even […]

Weeding Time is No Fun

Weeding the plants is one of the time consuming activities in gardening if we do it manually without the use of chemicals but it is the sure way of not hurting the plants, besides the side effect of using chemical in your garden. Imagine the number of hours you would be spending every week trying […]