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How to Get Kids to Like Gardening

Children are curious little angels that will do anything as long as it gets their attention and interest. Getting your kids to like gardening can be done with ease as long as you introduce it in the right way. Getting too serious with children will reduce their passion towards a thing or an activity. For […]

Growing Lettuce in Your Garden

Lettuce has been popularly known as a fresh, raw, all-leaf vegetable that is commonly used in salads. It is also a valuable food for humans that commands a good price in the market today. This pick and eat type of leafy vegetable is also quite popular among vegans and even the least health conscious among […]

Gardening With Your Kids

Gardening can be so much fun especially if you include your children in this kind of activity. If you are planning on including your kids in your gardening activity, you should introduce it in a less serious way as much as possible to make the experience with fun. Being too serious in this activity with […]

Gardening With Kids – Fun and Exciting

Children are easily attracted to activities that are not too serious as they love to play around and have fun with everything they do. Although gardening should be done properly and correctly, it doesn’t require one to be drop-dead serious as gardening is an activity to release your stress. Gardening can be introduced to your […]

Gardening With Children

Almost all kids love to play with dirt as well as look at colorful things. Gardening involves getting dirt as you will be using soil as your medium. When you look at flowers and any type of plant you will find them to be colorful and visually appealing. That’s why gardening can be loved by […]

Fun Gardening With Kids

Gardening is not only a rewarding hobby for the adults as kids also love to make their own garden because kids basically love playing with dirt as well as planting anything they find interesting. We often see our children mimicking our gardening activities like digging the soil and preparing the plant to be replanted and […]

Four Essentials of a Composting Project

Starting any kind of project is always challenging but not always easy especially if you are not so familiar with the project you have in mind. However, there are other ventures that require only sheer determination and patience to succeed and one of these is vermicomposting. Though this project is quite simple, there are four […]

Forgetting About Your Limits

Yes, you are a certified green thumb. You want to be able to create a beautiful garden oasis but you think that your backyard or planting space is way too small. You get discouraged and you fall even before you get to start the task. Well, stand up because there is hope for your situation. […]

Composting With a Plastic Storage Container

Composting in a small area is possible as there are many ways in doing it. Plastic storage containers are great materials for making a compost bin if you have a limited space in your area. You can use the finished compost in your garden or just basically to compost and save the environment. Making your […]

Composting Using a Trash Can

Most of the organic gardeners and plant enthusiasts are not blessed with large areas where they can have their own garden as well as their large compost piles. However, you don’t need to have a large place to set your own garden and compost pile. All you need to have are simple tools and materials […]