Archive for the "Pets" Category

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What Your Rabbit is Telling You

Words are very important in revealing and portraying someone\’s emotion. Words make the world more expressive and meaningful. There are times that words are destructive. It is therefore important to be aware and mindful of the words that are coming out of our mouth because it can make or break someone or something. It is […]

Understanding Your Pets Better

Understanding means getting the message across and comprehending it. Not all people understand the needs and wants of everyone around him/her that is why there are misunderstandings and conflicts. We don\’t want to be misunderstood right? Then we should send our message clearly and effectively. Animals need to be heard and understood too! There are […]

Rabbit Pregnancy

Humans are different from animals but if there is one thing that is common to all of us, it is the chance of conceiving and becoming a parent. Being pregnant for others speak of good news especially if they are expecting it for quite some time. There are others that consider pregnancy bad news. No […]

Cats\’ History – How Feral Cats Were Domesticated

According to the reports, domesticated these pets have appeared about 8,000 years ago. The findings that date back to this period of time show that bones of humans, cats and mice were buried together on Cyprus. Most probably cats and mice were brought together to Cyprus at that time. Cats and Their Domestication After Cyprus, […]

What Makes Cats Different From Other Animals

There many differences between cats and other animals. All felines, from big wild cats to domestic small cats, have common features. Scientists claim that the cat species evolved about 40 million years ago from an animal similar to weasels. To make a comparison, human erectus, the first human being, evolved approximately 1, 8 million years […]

Picking Puppies for the Perfect Family

The process of picking puppies is not to be entered into lightly. It is critical that a person realizes the responsibility and the commitment that will be required when the decision has been made. Knowing that the dog will complement your lifestyle is essential. It is important to analyze your lifestyle to know whether you […]

The Work Done by Animal Control

There are many services that are offered by professionals working for animal control. These services range from those which ensure that the wild animals do not get into your premises. Another service involves eradicating the animals that might have invaded our premises. Yet another service that they offer involves making repairs on the places that […]

Why is an Earth Mole in My Compound?

Many people are not familiar with earth moles. This explains the reason why one can harbor them in the compound for a period of time without knowing that they are there. One of the main reasons why this is possible is because they live underground. They survive by eating anything found below the soil surface […]

Raccoons Can Be Completely Removed From Our Homes

It makes sense why it would not be wise to have a raccoon near our premises. One of the reasons is that it is known to cause a lot of damage since they are only looking for something to feed on and comfort. They cannot withstand hunger so they will go to any length trying […]

Choosing the Right Diet For Your Dog

Studies have shown that the most healthy diet for dogs is a mixture of fresh, unprocessed natural ingredients, along with some carefully chosen herbal supplements. Giving your dog a balanced, natural diet helps it stay in good condition and reduces the likelihood of serious health problems occurring down the line. This article offers advice on […]