Archive for the "Recreation and Leisure" Category


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Houston 4 Oddest Nightclub Drinks For You

For a lot of people, going out to a nightclub isn’t just about dancing or finding some good nightlife chat at the club or bar. Sometimes we just want to kick back, relax and have a good drink. Other times we want to sit at the bar without friends, go crazy, and try drinks we […]

Houston 5 Best Nightclub Draft Beers to Drink

I know that there are many bars and clubs in Houston to choose from when I want to go out. Depending on what you may feel like doing that particular night can really determine where you might like to go and have a good time. For me, one of the most important things in choosing […]

Houston 3 Nightlife Places You Might See a Catfight

I get asked a lot by different people “Just what is there to do in Houston?” It always surprises me, because it is a big city and people just assume there is not much going on because it is not as well known as New York or Los Angeles. I have to say the nightlife […]

Houston 4 Best Nightlife Tips to Get by the Doorman

When you are looking at Houston nightclub reviews, you will see a lot of information about the club, the type of music they play, what the crowd is like and so on. That’s all good information and it can help you choose which clubs you might want to take a look at. However, there is […]

Houston Four Leading Nightclub Ladies’ Rooms

You have to promise me never to ask me how I know the answer to this. You see, after years of Houston nightclub interactivity, I have come to learn quite a bit about all of the bars and clubs around this great city. I have seen and heard the good, the bad and the ugly […]

Houston 5 Nightlife Things to do Before Death

I know it probably isn’t something that everyone wants to think about, but at some point in our lives we must all face our mortality. Yes, eventually we are going to die. Now that I have made that somber statement you should have all the more reason to go out and do some of things […]

Houston 5 Nightclub Bouncers to Avoid

One of the tricky parts about taking part in the entertainment night life that exists in the city is working your way around the doormen and bouncers that are at the clubs. For the most part, they are good guys who are just trying to do their job and they will actually give you some […]

Houston Best 3 Entertainment Spots Without Video Games

I think if entertainment spots around the city really wanted to do some unique Houston nightlife marketing, that they would take into consideration highlighting spots where you can have fun without the presence of video games. It seems to me that in a lot of bars and clubs lately that they are full of video […]

Houston Best Entertainment on a Tightwad Budget

I don’t think that I am cheap by any means. If something is worth the money, I am going to make the investment because I think it is worth it. This is particularly true when it comes to my social life and going out to bars and clubs. To me, Houston entertainment interaction is an […]

Houston Best Entertainment Using a Park Bench

A park bench may not be the ideal place you think of when it comes to having an entertaining evening, but they are things that you can do just at a park bench that can help you to have a fun evening. The things I am going to talk about are actually legal to do […]