Archive for the "Recreation and Leisure" Category


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Essential Outdoor Survival Gear

Survival in any situation can often be a challenge. But surviving outdoors in adverse situations requires planning ahead, a fair amount of knowledge, as well as survival equipment including food and water supplies. Being prepared for any situation, which may arise within a wild, secluded area is often the key for surviving without too many […]

On Michio Kaku and the Fear of Aliens

I have always been a strong proponent of the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI). Like the late Carl Sagan, I wanted an answer to the question Are We Alone? Like Sagan, I felt that informational and cultural exchanges with extraterrestrials could be of great benefit to humankind. Consequently, I was somewhat dismayed last year when […]

Vicla Sheet Metal Press Brakes

Sheet metal working machines are characterized by constant evolution in technology and its components are more and more innovative. Rapidity and accuracy are their peculiarities and they play a key role since they are essential to achieve the best performance in the shortest processing time. VICLA generates a wide range of flexible solutions that focus […]

Five Slot Machine Myths

There is a reason that they are called the \”one-armed bandits\”. Slot machines continue to generate more revenue for casinos than all table games combined. There is just something about the sound effects that draws people in, hypnotizing them to put as many coins in for as long as they want in hopes of a […]

How to Wager on Horse Racing – Basic Wagers

Going to the horse races for an afternoon can be a fun adventure. You and your family can admire the Sport of Kings at the cost of a small entry fee per person. And, if you’re daring enough, you can place a wager on any horse you like. It’s easy to wager on horse racing […]

Packing Survival Kits

There are hundreds of thousands of people who spend their free time planning survival kits that are meant to be their way of life should something happen. For many people, this planning is due to the unease they feel with the current economy or the fear of what could happen. Whatever the reason, everyone should […]

Outdoor Survival Gear For Camping Trips

Camping is a fun activity that many people enjoy, yet this is an activity that a person needs to plan for. Along with knowing the area that a person is camping in, an individual also needs to have outdoor survival gear to make this venture safe and to ensure if there are any obstacle or […]

DIY Bicycle Repair and Restoration

For everyone who would like to do any kind of work on the bi-cycle my suggestion is to do it themselves. You don\’t want to basically turn your bike to the others because they can cause destruction or just not stable for your body. When doing repair yourself, it is beneficial to keep your bike […]

Fighting Doomsday – Superman’s Greatest Foe

Despite all of the mighty warriors, dictators, despots and super-powered, would-be conquerors that the superhero Superman has faced over the years, none challenged the stellar hero more than the Doomsday machines called – fittingly enough – Doomsday. 1993s The Death of Superman, in fact, was a tale of the mightiest terrestrial battle that ever took […]

Hulk vs Superman

There are two superheros, from different universes, who are considered the representations of physical might: Superman the Man of Steel for DC Comics and the Incredible Hulk for Marvel. As displays of their strength, these two mighty characters are often shown taking down entire groups of super-teams, or requiring entire groups of super-teams to stop […]