Archive for the "Wellness, Fitness and Diet" Category

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3 Easy Things You Can Do to Lose Weight and Gain Definition

For men, the hardest thing to do is lose pure belly fat and get moving forward with a positive outlook. Most fail to deliver on the promise to themselves and their families to lose weight, because it can be harder than ever before to get through the doldrums of trying to gain lean muscle instead […]

Abdominal Training For Maximum Results

Millions of men around the world are trying to train their bodies to have more definition and it\’s not as cut and dry as most people think. Sure, you could go through the motions of training regimens that other people have already written about, but you\’ll find that it\’s a complicated mess to really stick […]

Concentrating on Getting Lean Muscle

For most men, the trouble areas of their body isn\’t the extremities or anything like that. It\’s the core that has the issue and that can manifest in a tremendous of amount of ways. First and foremost, you may find that the stomach and belly hangs over the waistline of pants, and the beer gut […]

Blast Stress, Anxiety, And Depression in 3 Easy Steps

Stress can be a good thing. It can alert us to potential threats, give us a heads up that we need to change our behaviors or circumstances, and even motivate us to do our best. When stress becomes too much to handle or when we don\’t know how to deal with stress appropriately, though, it […]

How To Get A Good Night’s Sleep

If you find yourself counting sheep, tossing and turning, and huffing and puffing on a nightly basis, then you’re probably in search of techniques that can help you get a better night’s sleep. As a sleep-deprived individual, you well know how much your daily activities can be affected when you don’t catch enough Zs. It’s […]

Tips For Exercising In Clearwater, Florida

Whether you live in Clearwater, FL, or you’re visiting the area on vacation, there are numerous places you can achieve a killer workout. Rather than hit the gym or jog in the park, why not take advantage of Clearwater’s beach views? You’ll not only have stunning scenery to take in, but you’ll have the added […]

The Fat-Free Body

It’s impossible to be fat and be healthy. You are either fat or you’re healthy. Most people don’t like to use the word fat, and instead will describe themselves as overweight, large sized, out sized, curvy, or real (as in “I’m a real woman”). But be honest truth is, it’s fat. You eat fat and […]

Get Rid of Cellulite and You’ll Improve Your Body and Your Life

Cellulite is not just ugly, it’s unhealthy. In fact, it’s more than just unhealthy, it’s lethal. Cellulite is fat cells that are full of toxic poison. You’re body can’t get rid of them because you are causing it by the food you’re eating. And not only that but there are other issues associated with cellulite […]

It’s Not As Simple as Eating Less and Exercising More

A recent report I read in MedlinePlus states U.S. Obesity Epidemic Continues to Spread. It reveals that obesity rates climbed over the past year in 16 states, and not a single state reported a decline. I read the article with interest until I reached the inevitable part… The compiler of the report, Jeff Levi, executive […]

The Key to 6 Pack Abs

When you talk to anyone that wants to get into shape they will immediately talk about losing enough fat to have the ultimate body. Not only will they want to have a smaller waist, they will want to make sure that they have what are known as 6 pack abs. This happens with the striated […]