Archive for the "World Affairs" Category


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Journal Entry – the Iranian Threat

The United States and Iran have been enemies since the 1979. The theocratic regime in Iran has labeled the U.S. the “Great Satan”. It has also funded terrorist organizations in the Middle East bent on destroying Israel but it is Iran’s nuclear weapons program that presents the greatest danger to the United States. Iran has […]

Journal Entry – Democrats Desperate to Save Professional Guilds

Some of the largest special interest groups are professional, trade, and commercial associations. Groups such as the National Association of Realtors, National Automotive Dealers Association, American Federation of Teachers, American Bankers Association, American Medical Association (AMA), American Federation of State/County/Municipal Employees, National Education Association (NEA), and American Association for Justice (Trial Lawyers) are among the […]

Journal Entry – Can Republicans Retake the House?

At no point in recent history have the American people been this angry and dissatisfied with their government. Both political parties are unpopular, less than a third believe the country is heading in the right direction and Congress has a record 11% approval rating. The polls all indicate that big changes will be taking place […]

Democrats Afraid to do the Budget

In 1974 Congress passed the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act to help them better manage the budget, control spending, and get a clear picture as to the country’s overall fiscal situation. This is done every year through the passage of a budget resolution. This year the Democratic Congress has decided not to pass a […]

Journal Entry – Democrats Just Don’t Get It: July Unemployment

President Obama and the Democratic Congress have ignored the issue most important to Young Americans. During the last few months Democrats have spent substantial time and effort on issues like climate change, illegal immigration, and financial reform. These issues are not even within the top three for Young Americans. There is one issue that has […]

Angela Merkel: Influence In Modern Day Germany

Leading the world as an innovative enterpriser by means of creative solutions and unbiased decision-making, Angela Merkel is an astonishingly significant leader in today’s society. The youngest and first female Chancellor of Germany since its reformation in 1871, Merkel is also noted for being president of the European council, and a prominent figure in the […]

Holidays And Celebrations Across The World

It’s a well-known fact that people around the globe celebrate in many different ways and for a wide variety of reasons. They use holidays (whether they be officially-sanctioned or not), festivities and miscellaneous events to celebrate a wide range of cultural or national events and religious ideals. Some of these celebrations are more prominent than […]

The Tea Party Movement Has Had a Positive Impact on American Politics

In the last few decades there has been no political movement comparable to the Tea Parties. The Tea Party Movement is unique because it is entirely grassroots and desires to change American politics from the bottom-up. The mainstream media and the Democratic leadership all misunderstand and grossly underestimate the movement. They have labeled it a […]

Federal Government Has Failed to Secure Our Borders

America is a nation of immigrants. From the Pilgrims straight through to the millions of Hispanics that are entering the United States, nearly all of us came from somewhere else. My own ancestors entered the country in 1848 from Germany, becoming naturalized citizens before migrating to Ohio to become apple farmers. Throughout U.S. history we […]

Career Spotlight: Intelligence Careers in Strategic Intelligence

An individual’s intelligence career can take many different paths as the intelligence cycle includes numerous types of collection and forms of intelligence products. One can focus his or her career in open source intelligence (OSINT), signals intelligence (SIGINT), human intelligence (HUMINT), measurement and signature intelligence (MASINT), and imagery analysis (IMINT) among other areas. Furthermore, the […]