Archive for the "World Affairs" Category


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Book Review: General James Longstreet: The Confederacy’s Most Modern General by Lieutenant Colonel Harold M. Knudsen

I’m a novice when it comes to Civil War history. I get lost in the details of the major military campaigns of the war, much less the smaller skirmishes, and even the geography at times. My interest in the Confederacy relates to my ancestry and my interest in Confederate currency. I had three great grandfathers […]

The National Debt: Young Americans Are Inheriting a Sinking Ship

The greatest fundamental weakness of the United States of America is its national debt. Debt weighs a country down economically and has been a contributing factor in the fall of empires throughout history. After the American Revolution, the Founders were insistent that the our new country pay off its debts from the war and maintain […]

Policies Of President Obama And Democratic Congress Severely Undermine Job Opportunities For Young Americans

For Young Americans, this is the worst job market in decades. Despite politicians claiming we are on the road to recovery, unemployment among Young Americans remains at its highest point in over thirty years. To make matters worse, the leadership in Washington plans to raise taxes and add new regulatory costs making it more difficult […]

America Must Return to Its Free Market Roots

The United States is the most prosperous country in the world. Its economy has been a constant engine of growth and innovation that has dramatically improved the standard of living for millions of people. Americans are innovators and entrepreneurs, always finding new and better ways to make products. We have achieved this because we have […]

Young Americans Have Largest Stake In Maintaining A Strong Military And Effective Homeland Security Policies

Americans are truly blessed to live in a country protected by the most powerful and effective military force in the world. Our military allows us to live without fear of hostile neighbors or attack from aggressive rivals. In addition to our own security, our military has been a force for freedom throughout the world since […]

The Virtues Of A Limited Federal Government And Why America Must Return To The Limited Federal Republic Laid Out In The Constitution

I consider the foundation of the Constitution . . . that ‘all powers not delegated to the United States, by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the states or to the people.’ To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specially drawn . . . is to take […]

Appointment Of General Petraeus Gives Hope Of Victory In Afghanistan

The War in Afghanistan began as retaliation against Al Qaida and the Taliban. Since late 2001 American troops have fought alongside its NATO allies and Afghan soldiers to defeat our enemies and build a functioning democracy in Afghanistan. The hope is to fill the power vacuum and ensure the Taliban will never regain power. However, […]

Restoring The Constitution And The Rule Of Law In America

The U.S. Constitution is the greatest political charter ever adopted. Its words are sacred to the American people even two hundred twenty-three years later. It reflects the belief that government exists only with the consent of the governed. Without it, government has no legitimacy or authority over its people. The Constitution has as its philosophical […]

South Carolina Politics, Apathy at Its Best

South Carolina politics has seen its share of media scrutiny recently. From Governor Mark Sanford having an affair with a South American reporter to Congressman Joe Wilson shouting “you lie” to President Barack Obama during a presidential address to Congress, South Carolina politics has been anything but immune to controversy. However, the latest controversy centering […]

Green Politics – is This the Way to a Safer Planet?

Anybody who has the slightest knowledge of the world around us knows that our planet is heading for troubled times. There are parts of the world where the population is growing unchecked leading to an ecological crisis. On the other hand, there are countries where industrial development is also growing at a fast pace and […]