Archive for the "Politics" Category

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Is the Biblical Role of Government to “Do Good” For Us?

It\’s fairly common among American Christians to see the role of government as doing good for the citizens of a nation. We not only live in a time when much is provided by government at tax-payer expense, including housing, food stamps, welfare, ball parks, playgrounds, and tennis courts, to name a few, but we often […]

Should We Legislate Christianity?

Why are there Bible-believing Christians on opposite sides when it comes to the issue of church and state? Some believers want Christianity legislated by the government, others do not. Both affirm that God is sovereign over all things and both agree that ultimate obedience comes not from government legislation but from a subdued heart. Both […]

The Shining City On A Hill: America?

Most American Christians believe that America has a special place in God\’s heart. \”God and Country\” are inseparable in the minds of many to the point that to be a good Christian is to be a good American and vice versa. Few days go by that I don\’t hear a Christian pastor or conservative commentator […]

Preventing Government Intrusion Into Our Lives

South Carolina’s Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) is becoming a bit intrusive. In our neighborhood we have a pool and swim team. To prevent injury, coaches remove the ladders from the pool during practice and meets. They are making wise decisions for themselves and their swimmers based on experience. DHEC however, has consistently […]

Life, Liberty – But No Pursuit of “Happy Meals”

Suppose you owned a restaurant. Would you want the government telling you that you couldn’t give something to your customers? Would you want it to ban you from giving away a toy to children if your “Kids Meal” had slightly less calories than two pieces of pizza? Well, that’s exactly what the San Francisco Board […]

Donald Trump Shows Ignorance of Birther Movement

“Grasping at straws,” is how one Regal Magazine reader described the birther movement, which is determined to prove that President Barack Obama was actually born in Kenya and not Hawaii as his birth certificate proves. Despite the fact that officials have verified President Obama’s birth certificate, billionaire Donald Trump has reignited the birther movement by […]

President Barack Obama\’s Birth Certificate

Did you know that not only has President Barack Obama released his official birth certificate to the public but that he is the only sitting President in history to have made his birth certificate public? I\’m amazed by how many people do not know this fact. Due to crazy claims that were being made about […]

Who is Mike Huckabee?

Mike Huckabee was the Governor of Arkansas from 1996 to 2007 and in 2008 he was a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination. While Huckabee didn\’t win the GOP nomination in 2008, he did do far better than most predicted. He finished second in delegate count, and third in the popular vote. Although Huckabee has […]

2012 Republican Presidential Candidates

While President Barack Obama has only average approval ratings and the economy continues to struggle (usually a bad sign for an incumbent President) the odds of his reelection in 2012 seem quite high right now because of the incompetency of the leading Republican candidates for the GOP nomination. What follows is a quick rundown of […]

President Obama Should Do More For Middle East Democracy

After Sept. 11 we were terrified of Muslim extremists in the Middle East. Terrorists from the Middle East had just perpetrated the most devastating act of violence against Americans ever. President George W. Bush vowed to bring those who supported terrorists to justice and believed that Middle East democracy would bring about the end of […]