How to Stand Out From the Crowd (And Look Good Doing It)

Use the following tips to craft a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) that will set your business up for success by standing out and setting your business apart. Wherever you find a successful business, you will find a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) – something that sets them apart from the competition and defines them in the […]

Importance of Corporate Video Production

With video of all different kinds gaining in popularity in all walks of life, it’s no surprise that corporate video is also a hot topic. Whether trying to draw in new customers or clients or sharing information with other businesses, using corporate video is becoming commonplace. And since it is being used to fill important […]

Benefits of Using 3D Animation For Your Business

3D animation is fast becoming the go-to method of video production for many different types of businesses. Most people have seen it used so skillfully in children’s movies, but now it’s also used in commercials and other forms of corporate communication. Not just anyone can sit down at a computer and produce top-notch 3D graphics, […]

Advantages of Sports Marketing Campaigns For Your Brand

Almost two decades ago, ‘Philip Kotler’ who is regarded as the father of Marketing had said that marketing is a process of identifying needs. The ideology proved as dynamic and today, one can easily trace the role of an effectively run marketing campaign behind the success of majority of popular things. These days marketing is […]

A Virtual Answering Service Provides An Edge For Companies In The World Today

With the economy and increased competition there is a need to do more with less in companies. There is a limit on what can be within a company with the same resources and staff though. The solution to some of those difficulties is to use a virtual answering service to augment or replace your current […]

Abandoned Self Storage Units Can Be Sold Or Auctioned

Many people find self storage units a great way to store things that they may not have room for in their homes. Some may even use these as a means to keep all of their belongings when moving or otherwise unable to keep their things with them. They have many uses and are quite popular. […]

In Names, Tag Lines and Company Personas, Why Bold Branding Wins

Yesterday I read an article about initiatives on the part of some airlines to facilitate passengers sitting next to someone they\’d find interesting, while other airlines are making it easier to increase the odds of having a quiet flight by having no one sit in the next seat. Most people probably have a preference on […]

Annual Conferences Are Easier With Name Badges

If you are having an annual conference for your association or company, don’t forget to order name badges. Wilson Widgets held their annual conference this January, and as the company has grown they have found great success with name badges. Wilson Widgets started with about a dozen employees about six years ago. Now the company […]

How GIS Data Can Prevent a Weather Disaster

Effective and up to date data management is rarely so important as when it pertains to the weather. It’s no secret that extreme weather can be devastating to buildings, landscape and the lives of people and animals. Weather forecasters use all of the technology and tools available to them to try and detect serious weather […]

How Geospatial Data is Used in a War

GIS stands for ‘geographic information systems’ and GIS data is used in many different applications. GIS data is used as part of address management for businesses, governments and charities, but it’s also used in the form of geospatial or spatial data as part of a location intelligence system for the military. Geospatial data is routinely […]