Electronic Muscle Stimulators and Their Implications

Electronic muscle stimulators are used to elicit muscles in people by the use of electric impulses. The impulses are normally generated by the use of Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) machine that delivers the impulses through electrodes and onto the skin. This is usually done close to the muscles undergoing the stimulation. The impulses bring about […]

Easy Advice to Avoid the Dentist

The simple fact is that most people do not like to go to the dentist. Some folks are terrified just by the sound of the dental drill. For that reason, the majority of people will visit their dentist only after they feel a tooth pain. And that may be too late. Here is some advice […]

Evaluating Cancer With Molecular Imaging Technology

Molecular imaging technology provides a visual representation, at the cellular and sub-cellular levels, of different biological processes. In vivo imaging for cancer evaluation has produced some remarkable breakthroughs within just the past two years. The technology has implications for cancer in general, as well as for specific types of cancer, in terms of both monitoring […]

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement is Becoming the Standard For Many Women

Whether it is a white blood cell targeting a virus or the brain is suffering from depression, when it comes to our bodies we are a collection of chemicals. For both men and women, one of the strongest chemical regulators within the body are hormones. A part of the endocrine system, these compounds originate in […]

A Quick Discussion on Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy involved injecting or introducing artificially created hormones into the human body for medical treatment. There are many reasons why people need this type of treatment such as for treating certain types of cancer, dealing with severe menopause symptoms, aging, sexual reassignment changes as well as a psychological treatment. However, even though this type […]

Information About Physiotherapy (Physical Therapy)

Physiotherapy, or physical therapy, is a method of treatment that doctors prescribe to patients whose bodies have been damaged by injuries or disease. A patient would be prescribed a certain amount of times they should visit with the therapist. The therapist will give the patient instructions on how to properly do the techniques and what […]

Choosing to Save Cord Blood Stem Cells is a Wise Choice

When you are pregnant, your baby is attached to you and gets all its nutrients from an umbilical cord. When the baby is born, the cord is cut, forever detaching baby from you. Inside are cord blood stem cells, and they are very valuable to you and your growing family. They can be used in […]

How a Person Can Benefit From Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers

Injuries to the spinal cord are usually very serious and can alter your life forever. These injuries occur mainly when one is involved in a bad accident, especially involving motor vehicles. There are times you or a loved one gets injured in an accident that is not your fault, and hiring good spinal cord injury […]

The Advantages of Prenatal Yoga

There are many benefits you can obtain physically from practicing prenatal yoga. Pregnancy can be a challenging time emotionally but that does not mean you have to ignore your physical well being and this is where you may find a discipline of this kind to be very useful as it can be integrated into even […]

Contact Lenses Are a Great Alternative to Spectacles

Spectacles are the most common means for correcting vision. There are drawbacks to wearing them though. Some people find them uncomfortable because they place pressure on the temples or behind the ears. Others do not like spectacles because they feel it detracts from their appearance or makes them look old. Spectacles also cloud over in […]