5 Items Your Business Web Host Should Provide

Your small business website is only as good as your web hosting provider. If their servers are constantly experiencing long outages, the effects can be wide-reaching for your company. Your customers will be prevented from making online purchases. Your employees will not be able to access critical information. Your online support staff might lose their ability to provide help to your customers.

As important as partnering with a reliable host is, many small business owners unwittingly entrust their sites to hosting providers who cannot provide the level of service needed. Frequent server outages, a lack of tools, and poor support can leave your organization stranded. Below, we’ll describe the five key items your web host must offer.

Item 1 – Easy Website Creation Tool

If someone on your staff is an HTML, PHP, or ASP expert, designing new pages will not pose an issue.

However, such skills can be expensive. Having a dedicated employee on staff who creates your pages may be beyond what your small organization’s budget can bear. Your hosting provider should offer a tool that makes web page creation simple, easy, and fast.

Item 2 – Multiple Options For Accessing Email

Email is critical. Whether your customers use it to submit support requests or it Brand Cialis is the primary method through which your employees communicate with each other, your company needs instant and reliable access to it. Ideally, your provider will offer more than one option for retrieving email. You should be able to download it to any specific email client or read it through an online interface.

Item 3 – Site Statistics

If your organization relies upon a constant flow of traffic to your website, you should have access to your statistics. You should be able to easily retrieve information regarding how many people are visiting and the referral properties from which Silagra they’re coming. Some stats packages will provide the time of day, country, and even the words that your visitors used to find your site at the search engines.

Item 4 – Control Panel Access

While your host should provide responsive support for your business’s needs, they should also give you access to a control panel. That gives you the flexibility of logging into your server to make minor adjustments on your own. For example, suppose that you want to add a subdomain to your site. Rather than wasting time having your provider do it, you should be able to log in through the control panel and add the subdomain yourself within seconds.

Item 5 – Server Reliability

We touched upon server reliability above, but it’s worth emphasizing. Your web host should have a service level agreement that clearly defines their policy regarding outages. Keep in mind that every host experiences downtime on their servers. For example, patches may need to be installed and minor maintenance may need to performed periodically. Ask your hosting provider to clarify when such outages take place to ensure they don’t occur during your company’s busiest time.

Working with a dependable, high-quality web host is essential for making certain your site is available and that you and your staff have the tools you Mind Stuff and Car info for other interesting information

Category: Computers and Technology
Keywords: web hosting, web host, server reliability, site statistics

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