Considering the Pros and Cons of Chemical Peels

Millions of people are unsatisfied with the way they look and believe that if they were only more beautiful or handsome, they would be more accepted by the world. While appearance is vital in the working world today, everyone has their own unique look and can find success if they want to.

However, there are several procedures available for those who want to improve their appearance today. One of these procedures is the chemical peel.

The chemical peel is used treat people who have facial blemishes, wrinkles, and uneven skin pigmentation. The procedure occurs through a chemical solution being applied to the face that can improve and smooth the texture of the facial skin by removing the damaged outer skin layers.

The chemicals used in this solution include phenol, trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and alphahydroxy acids (AHAs). The exact proportions of each component will vary depending on the needs of the patient. online prescription cialis

The chemical peel is often performed with a facelift, but it is not surgery itself. This procedure will not be able to stop or slow down the aging process.

If prescription cialis generic you are thinking about getting a chemical peel, make sure that you do some research on the matter and that it is really what you want. When you visit your plastic surgeon for the first time, make sure you ask any additional questions that you may have.

The chemical peel is only performed with the goal of appearance improvements which can increase your confidence and self-esteem. Chemical peels can also remove pre-cancerous skin growth, soften acne facial scars, and treat severe acne.

Depending on your policy, your insurance company may cover this procedure. Check with them to see what the actual cost for you will be as this procedure can be very expensive.

Alphahydroxy acids (AHAs) are the lightest acids that produce the least severe peel. Some types of alphahydroxy acids that may be used include glycolic, lactic, and fruit acids.

The peels mostly give smoother, brighter-looking skin without treating severe scars or conditions. Many people select this option because it takes much less time to recover from than a phenol or TCA peel.

AHA peels will successfully remove fine wrinkles, dry areas, uneven pigmentation, and some acne. Several AHA procedures can be administered once a week or every couple of weeks to improve your result without using more severe acids.

The AHA acid may be mixed with a special facial cream to aid in improving the skin’s texture. AHA peels are very popular.

Trichloroacteic acid (TCA) peels can also vary in concentration. TCA peels are generally used for medium treatment peeling.

TCA treatment can remove fine surface wrinkles, superficial blemishes, and pigment problems. The results of the TCA peel are not as defined and last for a shorter period of time than a phenol peel, but the procedure requires less time to recover.

As with the AHA peel, the TCA peel can be administered in several weekly doses to achieve the best results. TCA peels are also a common solution to many facial problems.

Phenol peels are the strongest and most effective type of chemical peels available. These phenol acids provide a very deep peel.

This treatment is used to treat patients who have deeply defined wrinkles, blotchy or damaged skin caused by the sun, or pre-cancerous growths. One side effect of phenol is that it will lighten the treated area of skin.

The beginning pigment of skin and desired final pigment of skin is one of the biggest determining factors in whether a phenol treatment is the best option for you. In most cases phenol is only used on the face, as it will cause scarring if used on other body parts.

As with all medical procedures, there is risk involved with chemical peels. In most, if not all, cases where the chemical peel is performed by a qualified and well trained plastic surgeon there is very little risk involved with the procedure.

Still, unpredictable risks like infection and scarring are still possible even if they do not occur very often. AHA peels can cause stinging, redness, irritation and crusting. A TCA peel can produce the same side effects without bleaching the skin, even though there may be a slight color change.

However, it is best if those who receive TCA treatments avoid the sun as much as possible for a few months after treatment. A phenol peel damages the skins ability to make pigment or tan.

This means that your face will be a lighter color and it will be vitally important Kamagra that you protect it from the sun. Despite the risks, chemical peels offer many benefits to thousands of people every year.

The people experience greater confidence, happiness, and success.

Author Bio: Terry Daniels has been a plastic surgeon for over 20 years and has written hundreds of articles relating to plastic surgery. He recommends plastic surgery Utah for your plastic surgery needs.

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Terry Daniels

Category: Beauty
Keywords: plastic surgery Utah

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