Home Inspection – Why They Are Important

Home Inspection – Why It Is Important

For Buyers

Whether prescription cialis generic the home is older or new construction, all buyers should get a home inspection before closing on a property. Here are a few of the benefits a buyer will receive.

-Plan Future Expenses – The last thing that anyone wants after buying a new home is to find out that they need to make expensive repairs immediately after moving into the house. An inspection will lessen the chance of a lurking problem, and help you plan for future repairs that all homes need like roof replacements.

-Negotiation Power – In your purchase contract you need an addendum that explains whether repairs discovered during a home inspection will be completed viagra alternative before closing, or the cost of the work is reduced from the final sales price. With a detailed report of pictures and items in need of repair, it is easier to go back to the negotiation table or have an excuse to walk away from the contract.

-Peace of Mind – The home buying process can be complicated and stressful enough without the added worry as to whether the home is in good shape, or hiding an expensive problem to fix.

The inspection can help allay these fears and let the buyer’s focus on the enjoyment that they will be getting out of their new home.

For Sellers

What many people do not recognize is that sellers can also benefit from getting a home inspection. Here are a few of the reasons why an inspection can be a good idea for a seller.

-Make Repairs Before Marketing – While you know your own home, an inspection can help point out any hidden repairs that will need to be completed before putting your house up for sale. This will help ensure that your home will impress buyers, their agents, and the inspectors they will be sending after going under contract.

-Prevents Last Minute Sale Problems – Everyone would prefer that the home buying and selling process went smoothly, but that is often not the case. With so many steps involved in a real estate transaction there are many issues that can slow or stop the closing. Necessary home repairs do not have to be one of those issues if they are discovered early and completed well before the closing takes place.

-Creates Confidence in Sale Price – Often a seller will be excited about getting their home under contract only to be confronted with a long list of expensive repairs or price reductions due to a home inspection that discovered problems in the house’s construction or maintenance. The small investment a seller makes in getting an inspection will help assure them that the contract price will stay the same Kamagra and limit the concern for any surprise negotiations.

Both buyers and sellers should consider getting a home inspection before the real estate transaction takes place. The peace of mind of knowing the home is functioning properly will help the closing to proceed smoothly and on time.

Author Bio: Preston Guyton is a Realtor and Custom Home Builder serving the Garden City,SC Real Estate Market. For more information on Garden City homes and properties, contact Preston today or visit PrestonGuyton.com

Category: Real Estate
Keywords: home inspection, buyer home inspection, seller home inspection

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