Laziness is Harmful For Your Injury

If you think only athletes are prone to injuries, you are mistaken! Ligament and tendon tears, sprains and fractures are a common occurrence in normal people, being sporty isn’t the only guarantee for an injury. Those of you who don’t indulge in any sporty pastimes may also be prone to injuring themselves Brand Levitra and them using that as an excuse to take days worth of rest. Excess of everything is bad and so even too much of immobility can be harmful.

Here are few things you should do after an injury to move towards a speedy recovery:

Be On the Move

Most injury experts say that the key is to be on the move even after an injury. Injuries should not mean days in bed acting like a couch potato. Certified sports physicians and orthopedics say that movement of joints carries blood and nutrients to it, making it easier to heal on its own. This natural repairing process of the body is hindered due to inactivity whereas lack of motion can cause muscular atrophy. This takes double the time to regain the lost muscle prowess and you only add to your misery.

So you needn’t participate in a marathon run to heal yourself but you slight activity is good for you.

Look Out for Painful Areas

Instead of avoiding pain by resorting to patches, ice packs and soothing ointments, you should check your joints for any signs of pain.

Don’t sit around popping anti-inflammatory pills, instead, rotate and test your joints to locate painful areas. However, overdoing this can worsen your condition.

Keep a good doctor at hand and consult him from time to time. Let your pain be the healing factor since finding out the points of pain can lead you to the root of the problem. Maintain and sustain short term gains for yourself. Try and walk a little more or indulge in more activity than before to increase your stamina and gain muscle strength. Pushing yourself to accomplish such small tasks will gradually reduce pain and bring back endurance. Paying attention to pain signals that your body sends you should be taken as a warning and over exertion can lead to disaster.

Rule of Three- Symmetry, Resistance, Cardio

Your therapists would advise you to do sensible exercises to heal the right way. Movement is important and so is the need to bring back the symmetry in your body. Doing light cardio exercises for your healthy joints is a good option. Developing resistance is highly essential and a proper exercise schedule should balance these three elements.
Prevention is better than cure

Going by an injury experience, you should be more careful in future and prevent further injuries. Frequent injuries can hamper your joints for good and so save yourself the trauma. Be regular with your exercise regime and follow a healthy lifestyle which exposes you to certain activity. This helps avoid sudden injuries.

If you are into sports then get improve on your technique and style. This provides fewer chances of injury. If sports is not your thing but injuries still plague you, get active. Lethargy slows the healing process and activity quickens. It. So take your pick and get fit the sensible way!

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Category: Wellness, Fitness and Diet
Keywords: injuries, fitness, wellness, health

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