Secrets for NJ Catfish Fishing

New Jersey is well-known for its great fishing opportunities and the catfish are plentiful. Many anglers seek out the catfish for sport and because they make a tasty meal. You can find several different catfish species in the waters of NJ but the most common ones will be the channel and the white catfish. For the most part, catfish are considered bottom feeders and they will eat just about anything they can get a hold of.

This species can’t see very well so they rely on their strong sense of smell to find food. The experienced angler will take advantage of this and use methods that will draw the catfish to their bait and entice them to strike. If you’re new to the area or just visiting to enjoy some of the great fishing that you’ve heard so much about, you’ll be happy to learn that there are many places in New Jersey where the catfish fishing is great.

It would be impossible to list them all but some of the best places to go catfish fishing in NJ are listed below:

* Greenwood Lake
* Lake Hopatcong
* Manasquan Reservoir
* Merrill Creek Reservoir
* Round Valley Reservoir
* Spruce Run Reservoir
* Swartswood Lake
* Union Lake
* Wanaque Reservoir

It’s interesting to note that the channel catfish state record was caught in Lake Hopatcong and the state record for the white catfish was not caught in a lake or river but in a pond called the Dallenbach Pond.

Here are 5 secrets for NJ catfish fishing that will help you get the most out of your next fishing adventure:

1. It’s always a good idea to gather as much information as you can about the body of water you plan to go out on before you head out fishing. This will help you know where to look for the catfish that you’re seeking out so you don’t have to waste as much time searching for them. Being on waters that you are familiar with, even a little, will also be safer.

2. It’s true that you can catch catfish on even the most basic equipment but if you truly want to have a great fishing trip with good stories to tell, it’s a good prescription cialis online idea to use gear that is well suited for this species. When you start reeling in the catfish they won’t come quietly. They are going to fight back and you need something that will handle them. The best set-up consists of a medium action rod, a reel with a smooth drag, strong fishing line and sharp hooks.

3. The best time to seek out the NJ channel catfish is in the spring and fall but they can also be caught in the summer. However, you won’t usually find them in the cold winter months. They are highly attracted to crawfish Kamagra Gold and small baitfish so search for areas where these are plentiful and the channel catfish should be nearby. They will also be in areas where moss grows because they will cialis rebate feed on this as well.

Author Bio: Dan Eggertsen is a fishing researcher and enthusiast who is committed to providing the best catfish fishing information possible. Get more information on catfish fishing in NJ here:

Category: Recreation and Leisure/Sports/Fishing
Keywords: catfish fishing tips, catfishing secrets, catfish fishing techniques, catfishing in NJ

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