Taking Care of Betta Fish – What You Need To Know

Betta fishes are attractive and colorful fishes that you can put in your fish bowl. Aside from its beauty, these Siamese fighting fish is also easy to take care and easy to breed as well.

If you have been eyeing for a betta fish to put into your fish bowl, it is important to learn everything about taking care of Betta fish to make it healthy and beautiful in your care. This fish thrives in tropical waters of Thailand, and thus, you have to consider a few things if you want to put it in your fish bowl at home, several miles away from its original home.

Here are the main considerations you have to take note.

Making Your Betta Fish Home

Some Betta lovers suggest putting the Betta fish on small bowls as they thrive well in shallow waters but you can also consider getting a good fish tank for your Betta. You can use distilled water for your Betta tank and do not use tap water unless you have filtered chlorine out of it or you have treated the water. Tap water can kill your fish

Keep Brand Levitra in mind that Bettas can jump high and out of their bowls or tanks, thus you have to also add a cover to your fish bowl to make sure they would not jump out of it.

You can add hiding places such as live plants and rocks but avoid any structures that can tear the fins of your pet.

Maintenance and Care

Taking care of Betta fish also requires maintenance like any other fishes in your fish tanks. You have to change the fish tank once a week to make sure they have clean water always. Clean the tank as well from rotten food that has been left uneaten.

Maintaining Cialis a suitable temperature for your Bettas is also another important consideration. Many individuals who take care of Bettas often overlook the water temperature, thus it is important to take note that Bettas originate in tropical waters and that the water temperature should be maintained between 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Water movement should also be minimized, thus you may not want to put your powerfilters and powerheads on your Betta’s tank.


Bettas usually feed on bloodworms and brine shrimps, thus feeding can be easy. However, one important thing that you have to remember always is to not overfeed the Betta. Bettas can die with overfeeding than by skipping meals, thus always make sure that you are not overfeeding your fishes.

You can feed your Bettas once a day. For fries, you can feed the same amount of food twice in a day and do not think that your Bettas can grow bigger in no time if you feed them more. Overfeeding will kill them. You can even skip feeding your Betta once a day to let his stomach rest as well.

Keep these tips in mind in taking care of Betta fish, and it is indeed wise to know everything about this fish specie before taking home one. Also learn to choose a healthy and beautiful Betta at your pet store to make sure you have chosen a good one.

Author Bio: Carolyn Anderson keeps an aquarium as her hobby. To learn more about taking care of Bettas, check out Betta Fish Secrets. cialis tadalafil 5mg Also check out Angelfish Revealed, another guide to help you take care of angelfish.

Category: Hobbies
Keywords: taking care of betta fish,betta fish guide,caring for betta,betta fish care

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