What Love Is And What It Is Not

Love is misunderstood, and the media doesn’t help much with clearing it up. Love is what makes your marriage last and binds your family together. This article discusses what love is according to the experts in the field.

Love At First Site Is Not Love

Falling in love is myth. The truth is you grow into love. You grow to love that which you sacrifice most for. I once heard a theory about why men and women are so different and why God specifically made us different. God made us different so we would be forced to sacrifice for each other.

Generally speaking, love at first site is really infatuation or lust. Dr. James Dobson said, “The exhilaration of infatuation is never a permanent condition.” Romantic Love, How To Be Head Over Heels And Still Land On Your Feet.

Relationships Silagra based primarily on physical looks don’t last. To prove my point look at the celebrities, it seems like they are constantly getting married and divorced the next day. I am not saying looks are not important. I think it is important to be physically attracted to your mate. You are setting yourself up for failure if you put too much emphasis on looks.

Love Is Not A Feeling

Love is a decision. Love is a verb. Love is an attitude and it is a belief. Mature love the kind that lasts for eternity is not a feeling or emotion.

Emotions are temporary. Loving your spouse purely based on emotions would make for one major roller coaster original propecia of a relationship. When love is a decision, you do things for your spouse especially when you don’t feel like doing it. The fallacies of believing that love is an emotion is it causes you believe that love is dependent on external events.

Love Is Not Dependent On The Actions Of Someone Else

Generally speaking your emotions are triggered by stimulus. Something happened for you to feel a certain way. Believing that love is a feeling will cause a false belief that you will love your spouse if he/she does something good for you.

Love is not passive. It is about acting Cialis Jelly and not being acted upon. It is not waiting for your spouse to do something for you to trigger the emotions of love. It is about being proactive in taking action to trigger the emotions of love within yourself. The biggest challenge is to love your mate even when he/she is not reciprocating back. Unconditional love is the highest form of love and requires high character.

Myth: People In Love Will Not Have Arguments Or Disagreements

To expect you will never have a disagreement or argument is not realistic. If you are newly married and are experiencing your first fight, don’t think you chose the wrong spouse. Every couple has disagreements or arguments. Be careful about anger because acting out in anger will destroy love and intimacy.

Myth: There Is A One And Only Soul Mate

God lets you choose your mate. There is not a one and only soul mate out there for you. The truth is there are more than one person who you could be happily married to. God also expects you to do your homework. There are the rare exceptions where people know on the first couple of dates that they are to be married; but for most that is not a smart move.

Author Bio: Did you know your marriage and family can endure beyond the grave, visit The-Living-Prophets.com to learn how and eternal principles of marriage and family.

Category: Relationships/Dating
Keywords: marriage, family, love, infatuation

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