“Building Strength While Watching TV at Home”

Believe it or not, you don’t have to join your local gym to build strength and tone your muscles. Gyms can be expensive, contracts can be too Levitra long, and hours may not work with your schedule,

That’s why strength training at home can be so easy. All you need to do is look online for simple ideas such as this, to shape your muscles into the look that you are dreaming of.

The first way to build strength is through your legs. You can do this through simple weight bearing squats and lunges.

To begin a good lunge, start by standing straight, then step forward with one foot, leaving the other back. Both feet should be directed straight forward with the toes facing frontward.

Lower your back knee almost to the floor, and rise up again, concentrating on squeezing your buttocks to push yourself up. Maintain your body in an upright position and avoid leaning forward.

Repeat this action to perform several repetitions, then again with the opposite foot forward. Make sure there is not too great a distance between your feet.

Do not allow your front knee to go forward beyond your toes as you come down, and stop where you feel comfortable. This will create a great stretch and muscle pulse which will tone your thigh muscles.

To do a proper squat, position your feet flat on the floor, about shoulder width apart with your toes slightly turned out. Keep looking straight ahead.

Slowly descend until the thighs are parallel to the floor, hold for a second, then push back up to the starting position. Maintain the body in an upright position and avoid leaning forward.

Always inhale your breath on the way down, and exhale as you stand up. This is a great way to tone your butt, thighs, and calves.

To strengthen your arms, start out with some simple triangle push-ups. Get on your hands and knees, dropping your hips down and tightening your abs so your torso forms a straight line.

Position your hands under your chest, and form a triangle with your thumbs and forefingers. Angle your elbows so they’re pointing behind you.

Bend your elbows and slowly lower yourself until your nose is almost touching the floor, then push back up. Keep your neck in line with your spine.

Start with three sets of ten push-ups, and then increase to fifteen or twenty repetitions. If you’re used to doing full military-style push-ups or if you can do twenty of these push-ups without fatiguing, feel free to extend your legs and do these triangle push-ups on your toes.

To work your triceps, hold about two feet of stretchy band with one hand at each end. Position your right hand behind your head and put the knuckles of your left hand just above your butt, in the center of your back.

Adjust your grip so the band is taut between your hands. Your arms should look like you’re going to dry your back with a towel.

Keeping your right elbow high in the air and your left hand firmly anchored, straighten your right arm, and slowly bend it back down to the starting position. Do ten repetitions with your right arm.

Then switch your grip so your left hand is behind your head, and repeat the exercise. Do three sets of ten and work your way up to fifteen repetitions.

Try to keep your wrist straight throughout the movement. You can make the exercise more advanced by “choking up” on the band for more resistance or advancing to a stiffer band.

There are plenty of more exercises like this, and even more for your back, neck, shoulders, chest, etc. Start by doing some of these simple exercises during the commercials of your favorite TV shows.

Once you have started working out in commercial breaks, it will become a great habit that will help you to achieve the body you want. The more you do this, the easier it will become.

Pretty soon, you can try using your entire program to work your muscles. One hour Kamagra Soft a day of strength training will make a visible difference within weeks.

Strength training can be fun, easy, and done in the convenience of your living room. Try these simple exercises, or find more of your own!

Author Bio: Tommy Greene is a personal trainer and author of numerous articles relating to physical training and strength equipment. He has been helping others find a greater fitness level since the 80’s.

Contact Info:
Tommy Greene

Category: Fitness/Muscle Building
Keywords: strength equipment

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