How To Get Rid Of Belly Fat

You know it and I know it, besides any underlying medical condition, the main reasons why people Cialis Jelly have belly fat accumulation is because of over eating and lack of active activities. Since we already knew the answers, then why aren’t most overweight people with tummy fat do something about it to get a flat stomach or are unsuccessful in their attempts?

The simple fact is that if you eat more calories than your body is able use up for energy, that excess calories will be stored on your body as fat, especially on the tummy. Most people think that by doing exercise, they can get rid of their body fat. That is only half the story. To burn off your fat more effectively, you have to combine physical activities such as exercising and good eating habit.

There are others who think Kamagra jelly that the best way to get rid of the fat on the belly is to do plenty of core exercises like sit ups, crunches and leg raisers. They could not be more wrong! That is not the way to get rid of their belly fat. Instead, their tummies may look even bigger when their abs muscle grows larger beneath the fat. Ouch!

Many people also do not understand the correlation of hormones in storing body fat. One example is cortisol. Cortisol is also known as a stress hormone. When you are under stress, your body releases more cortisol. This hormone makes your body store fat and burns your muscle for energy instead. This causes your metabolism to slow down and thus your fat burning capability is reduced.

So what must you do to reduce your belly fat quickly? Firstly, avoid eating anything that has sugar in them such as soft drinks, beers or ice creams. If you are the type who consumes sweet stuff regularly such as drinking your coffee and tea laden with sugar, you will get very quick result once you stop consuming these beverages and food.

Next, avoid pastries and confectionaries. Cakes, biscuits, pies and the likes have very high glycemic carbohydrates. This easy to digest carb causes your insulin to surge to very high levels. This is when your body starts to store more fat especially in your abdominal area. Furthermore, many of this kind of foods have transfat which is the unhealthiest type of fat and not to talk about their high sugar content.

Lift weights to build muscles. The more muscle mass you have, the higher your metabolism. The higher your metabolism, the faster your body burns away the fat. In other words, if you have more muscle mass, you are a natural fat burning machine. Furthermore, when you are lifting weights especially when you are working out with compound exercises, you are also burning fat and calories at the same time.

What happens next is that your body needs to recover from the exercises you gave it and to repair the muscles. This is when the calories you eat are channeled away to repair your muscles for the next few days instead of being stored as body fat.

If you add rigorous cardio workouts into the equation, you will get rid of your belly fat sooner rather than later.

Author Bio: Chris Chew is a fitness and health consultant. Read his free articles at Singapore Personal Trainers and Lose Belly Fat Get 6 pack Abs

Category: Fitness
Keywords: lose belly fat, tummy fat, flat stomach, get rid of

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