Laser Hair Removal Options

Every spring, would-be beachgoers adopt strenuous exercise regimens to lose a few pounds, or risk skin disease while spending hours in tanning beds, all in search of the elusive “beach body”. But while they’re worried about waist size or skin tone, too many ignore one of the biggest detriments to the swimsuit look: excess body hair. Luckily, permanent hair removal can be done far more quickly and safely than you’d expect.

There are many ways to remove unwanted body hair, but most of them aren’t thorough. Using a razor in the bathroom will give you a day or two of hairlessness at most, while topical ointments can be painful and messy. A better long-term solution than any of this can be found in the process of laser hair removal.

Unlike other methods, laser hair removal can be permanent – over time and several sessions, 90% or more of unwanted hair in a given region can be removed forever. And the little hair that’s left will be thinner, lighter, and all-around far more difficult to see.

This is a non-invasive treatment that doesn’t involve needles, chemicals or any of the pain and side-effects that come with them. It’s simply a laser that acts on the color pigment in the hair follicles themselves, thinning and weakening them until Cialis Jelly the hairs themselves are destroyed. An average of 4 to 8 monthly sessions are typical to complete the job, since different sections of hair grow and lay dormant in cycles.

Laser treatments have grown very popular in recent years; today, roughly 1.5 million removals occur every year in the United States. The lasers are safe Kamagra jelly and can treat just about any part of the body: back hair, facial hair, legs, chest, bikini areas, and so on. Only skin areas very close to the eye cannot be treated.

Laser hair removal will be more successful for some than others. Because the laser acts on the dark pigment color within the hair, the most successful cases are those with lighter skin color and darker hair. In general, blond or gray hair color is more difficult for the laser to distinguish from the skin. This, of course, does not mean that the laser will ignite dark skin! Laser hair removal is one of the least painful methods of hair removal, although a little pain may still be experienced during the first session, due to the hair beginning to weaken.

The treatment is also as fast as it is effective. Although other permanent removal processes such as electrolysis can take over 100 hours, one average laser treatment may take an hour or two. Small areas, such as an upper lip, can be treated in a matter of minutes.

Besides being fast and effective, laser hair removal may be cheaper than you think. Consult the licensed professionals at your local laser spa for package deals and a consultation to determine which procedure will best help you achieve the beach body you’ve always wanted – and keep it that way.

Author Bio: Roger Ubik has extensive experience in the health and beauty industries in Austin, TX and is passionate about informing consumers about the option of laser hair removal in Austin. There are many locations that offerlaser hair removal. Finding the right provider is crucial to a successful outcome.

Category: Beauty
Keywords: laser hair removal

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