Male Breast Reduction and Gynecomastia

Male breast reduction is performed to treat a disorder in men called Gynecomastia, which refers to the over-development of breasts. This type of cosmetic surgery has been known to be very effective in the treatment of enlarged male breasts and is a fairly simple and safe technique that results in a high satisfaction rate in patients. This article will describe the procedure as it relates to Gynecomastia as well as discuss what makes a good candidate.

Male breast reduction is sometimes performed only as liposuction around the problem area. But other instances call for a different approach. During this type of procedure, the incision is placed at the areola, allowing the surgeon to remove the excess fat and glandular tissue. Another variation is using the armpit as the entry site. For severe cases, multiple incisions may be required to achieve the desired result.

This type of cosmetic surgery is performed under general anesthesia and done on an outpatient basis. You will be placed in an elastic surgical garment to aid in healing and you will be able to return to work within a week. However, it may be a month before you are released to exercise again or engage in any other strenuous activity. Tenderness may persist a few more months, and is no cause for concern.

Good candidates for male breast reduction are those in relatively good health with no history of adverse reactions to anesthesia or any other surgical complications. Men with reasonably firm skin will fare the best with this technique. In deciding whether this surgery is right for you, it is important to fully understand Gynecomastia. This disorder is caused by a hormonal imbalance, heredity, or perhaps from certain pharmaceuticals. There are instances where the direct cause is unknown. The main issue to note, however, is that this disorder is vastly different from obesity in men. For that scenario, a different type of technique is used from that which treats Gynecomastia.

You can learn more about male breast reduction for the treatment of Gynecomastia by scheduling a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon. There, your doctor will be able to determine which variant of treatment will better bring about your desired results. By learning more about the disorder, and verifying your own diagnosis and understanding more about the procedure, you will be on your way to a positive surgical experience and satisfaction with your results.

Author Bio: Although men are hesitant  to talk about it, male breast reduction is rather popular. The operation can treat disorders or be used a cosmetic option to improve someone’s self image. For more information visit

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Keywords: male breast reduction

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