Nras Property Investment Explained

The Australian Government will give you a $9,140.00 PA tax credit as an incentive for the next 10 years.

So what the hell is this about? The National Rental Affordability Scheme or commonly known as (NRAS) is an Australian Government investment scheme targeted at investors to help reduce the potential tenancy crisis.
In simple form the property owner rents their property for 20 to 25 % (depending what state your in) under market rent , for doing this at the moment the government provide 9,140.00 of tax credits

“WOW” and this increases with CPI over 10 years, this tax credit actually comes of your tax bill NOT your taxable income… wait theirs more!, should their be a surplus after tax it’s the only government property incentive that you get back in cash!!! So …

Lets say you had 10 NRAS investment properties that’s 91,400.00 as a tax credit pa, if your tax bill was 50,000.00 then you would have a surplus of 41,400.00 of which will come back in a cheque form government TAX FREE!!

you also have the same tax benefits that apply with a normal investment property so look at this as a bones to what you would already have, if you purchased under normal circumstances, in some cases the yield on property Kamagra Soft is almost double.

Their has been some concerns about the term “affordable hosing” and how it relates to government funded housing, NRAS tenets are only eligible for the reduced rent if they have income and are currently employed, having to meet various income depending on the amount of people living in the house hold, NRAS is not government housing , its primarily set up for tenants who in the up and coming years would most likely be priced out of the inner suburban rental market.

Some benefits for investors;

Most Properties are CASH FLOW POSITIVE
Improved Rental Yields with Levitra a minimum $9,140 tax free incentives per dwelling per year
More than $90,000 of tax free incentives over 10 years (increased with CPI)
Subsidised by both Federal & State governments
Incentive is not dependent upon property value
Other tax arrangements attributable to investment properties still remain
Potential for reduced vacancy risk due to discounted rental

Author Bio: NRAS property group is dedicated to supplying only the best NRAS property investment opportunities available we specialise in NRAS properties with the highest yields visit us at

Category: Finance/Real Estate/Buying
Keywords: nras scheme, nras properties for sale, nras Australia, nras investment property, nras melbourne, nra

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