OBESITY – Time to cut it out!

An alarming percentage of the population is obese. It is even worse when you consider the fact that this percentage in children is on a constant rise. Obesity contrary to what many may think is not just being big. It simply means that your body fat percentage is more that 20%. You can be relaxing there at home consoling yourself that you just a bit overweight when in actual fact, you’re clinically obese. It is important that you should measure your percentage body fat and this can be done by your nutritionist or your dietician.

Obesity is caused by a number of things. By simply working out and toning down doesn’t mean that you are dealing with it. Going for a liposuction will only make you smaller for a number of months but you will get back to being obese. No cosmetic surgeon will alter your lifestyle or your genetic make-up. First of all know what the cause of your condition is and deal with it directly. Dealing with the weight is like managing the symptoms without really curing the illness. Here are some of the most common causes of obesity.

1. Eating Unhealthy Foods
The first thing that comes to my mind when you mention unhealthy foods is junk food. With almost everyone living on the fast lane, there is hardly time to prepare that nice nutritious home cooked meal. No wonder there are even whole meals in the grocery store that just require you to pop them in the microwave and you have your meal in no time. If you’re still getting microwave foods then this should be your first step in the right direction. Get rid of all of those pop up meals. Fast foods especially have a lot of un-saturated fats and will simply end up either underneath your skin or around your heart. If you are taking alcohol, a good step to take is by quitting this destructive behavior.

2. Lack Of Physical Activity
How much physical activity does your body engage in? If you wake up early in the morning and grab a coffee and some doughnuts on your way to the office then sit in front of the computer the whole day, no wonder you are obese. If you take more calories than what your body uses up in a day, the excess will imply be stored up. You can counter this imbalance both by reducing your calorie intake and at the same time increasing your physical exercises. You can start by walking around the neighborhood and getting yourself some dumb bells.

3. Lack Of Awareness On The Consequences Of Obesity
Many parents brush off their kid’s obesity by referring to it as just baby fat that they’ll loose once they enter into puberty. Years later, your kid is in college and is still obese. Obesity causes hypertension, heart attacks, coronary illnesses, type2 diabetes Viagra Professional and even cancer. The sooner you deal with it the better. As you grow older, the complications that can arise as a result of obesity become a lot worse.

Author Bio: Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on bodybuilding Brand Cialis and steroids. He has coached countless athletes all over the world. To read more of his work, please visit either www.BodybuildingToday.com or www.SteroidsToday.com

Category: Health/Nutrition
Keywords: obesity, lack of exercise, fast food, coronary disease, body fat, poor diet, poor exercise, fat, obese, over weight, liposuction, cosmetic surgery

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