Optimum High Intensity Training

High intensity training (also known as HIT) is a method of strength training designed to maximise the number of muscle fibres being used in a single movement. The training involves low reps with high weights with the intent of triggering temporary muscle failure. This ensures that every muscle fibre in the relevant muscle has been worked.

High intensity training is all about control, there should be no yanking or bouncing as this can lead to muscular injuries. The purpose of high intensity training is to develop muscle size and strength. Due to the nature of this training, forcing muscle overload, adequate rest periods are required between training sessions.

In order to get the most benefit from your high intensity training in the shortest possible time period a high protein diet is highly recommended. There are also various high protein foods and drinks you can buy to supplement your diet. These support your training regime by preparing your muscles before a high intensity workout and speeding up recovery after a workout. They tend to come in a variety of flavours so you will find one which fits into your diet.

When selecting your high protein training supplements it is important to know what to look for. It is important to check the nutritional values of the products to ensure that whilst you protein-load you are maintaining a Silagra healthy balance for the rest of your diet. You should also check if the brand has any awards, accreditations or endorsements by any Governing Bodies or Institutes. Also see if you can find any comparison websites which demonstrate the differences between the products and help you find the right product for your level and stage of training. Reviews of different supplements can be very valuable for choosing between products. Personal recommendations can be very helpful for choosing; however you should bear in mind that the person making the recommendation may be at a completely different stage in their training to you. These high protein training products can also be very expensive so shop around online to make sure you get a good deal.

The original high intensity training programmes focused on exercises which worked the whole body. This Cialis Jelly has evolved to programmes which focus on different body parts for each training session. This enables you to train every day, resting the different body parts by alternating the emphasis of the workout. Each session should cover one or two exercises, doing one set of six to ten reps for upper body workouts and eight to twenty reps for lower body workouts. It is important to ensure that you do rest body parts between training sessions to facilitate recovery. Whilst you may wish to push that body part harder this is likely to cause injury which will stop your training regime altogether, so be patient and do everything you can to speed up recovery between training sessions.

Author Bio: John McE writes articles on a number of subjects including protein supplements, bodybuilding training drinks and Optimum Nutrition.

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