What Are Warts

Warts are growths that are visible on the skin’s surface that manifest because of the human papillomavirus or (HPV). They are typically believed to be contagious however it is possible for people in close groups like in a family setting to maintain only one afflicted family member. They do not typically spread to other sections once they are found in one area, for example the hands.

Some of the more regular types include:
* Warts that are dome shaped that are located on the fingers, toes and knees.
* Plantar warts that should not be confused with planter’s warts are found on the sole of the foot.
* Flat warts are normally found on the face, legs and other areas of the body in significant buy Silagra viagra on line amounts.
* Periungual warts are found within close proximity of the nails and typically grow beneath the nail.
* Filiform warts are found on the face. Each wart will extend to the point where it appears to be a stalk.

Warts are treated using a variety of methods. The proceeding treatments will work on regular warts but not those linked to the ones found on the genitals. There are a few over the counter methods that can be used that will have varying degrees of success depending on the type of wart.

Two kinds of products that are generally used includes aerosol based treatments that freeze Cialis Jelly warts and salicylic acid based treatments. Either type can be used in the way described on the package.

Freezing method

These treatments are placed directly on the wart using an aerosol can to spray the affected area. The contents of the can will normally have a temperature of approximately negative 70 degree Fahrenheit and will work by freezing the wart enabling it to dislodge from the skin. It is comparable to the treatments offered by dermatologist except that those treatments will use liquid nitrogen which is far colder.

Salicylic acid

These kind of treatments come in a variety of preparations including gels, plasters, pads, drops and ointment. These may be used for both small and large wart types. Being a keratolytic, it works by shedding away the keratin and extra skin layers that make up the wart. The time it will take to clear the wart will vary, depending on the size and extent of the wart.

Alternative treatments

It is possible to get rid of warts by using duct tape. This way supposedly deprives the wart of oxygen which will then prompt it to shrink and eventually fall off. However, the tape must be worn continuously and removed only for a couple of hours per day making it a hard treatment to maintain. The tape will typically fall off in the process making the effects negligible at best.

Author Bio: Please visit this link for more information on What Are Warts and this link for information on What Are Hemorrhoids.

Category: Beauty
Keywords: What Are Warts, Warts, human papilloma virus, HPV

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