Working to Improve Your Abdominal Muscles at Home

Between work, school, children, laundry, cleaning, errands, church responsibilities, and the endless amount of distractions throughout your day, it can be very hard to find time to go to the gym! Maybe you don’t want to even spend the money on a gym membership, but you want to get yourself into better shape for the summer.

Fear not, busy worker-this article is for you! If you are getting ready to fit into that cute summer bathing suit you have stuffed in the back of your closet, the best way to do it through some easy at-home abdominal exercises.

There are many different ideas of what a good or bad abdominal workout is. Here are just a few suggestions for exercises that are both safe, and have been proven to be effective.

The first one is the bicycle exercise. Begin by lying flat on the floor, with your lower back pressed to the ground.

Put your hands beside your head, and bring your knees up to about a forty five degree angle. Slowly go through a bicycle pedal motion.

While you do this, touch your left elbow to your right knee, then your right elbow to your left knee. Be sure to breathe evenly, and keep a steady pace.

For the second one, lie on your back and extend the legs up, with knees slightly bent. Contract your abs and raise up until your shoulder blades leave the floor.

Keep your chin up, and be sure not to pull Brand Levitra on your neck. Keep your legs in a fixed position while you lift your torso toward your knees.

Lower your knees, and repeat in sets of fifteen. Be particularly careful to relax your neck through the entire exercise, so you don’t cause strain.

For the third, lie on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor. Place your hands on the floor, or behind the head.

Bring your knees up towards the chest, so they bend Cialis at about a ninety degree angle. Contract your abs, and lift your hips off the floor in a very small movement.

Lower your butt back down on the ground, and repeat this several times. Be careful to relax the lower back.

Next, try a simple yoga pose to help get your abs into shape. Start in the plank position, with your forearms and toes on the floor.

Keep your torso straight and rigid, and your body in a straight line from ears to toes with no sagging or bending. Tighten your abdominal muscles and keep them as level with the floor as you possibly can.

Keep your head and neck relaxed, and look straight down at the floor. Hold this position for at least fifteen seconds to start-with practice, you can work yourself up to thirty, forty five, or sixty seconds.

If you like this exercise and want to slightly modify it to increase difficulty, start in the same plank position as above with your forearms and toes on the floor.

Slowly raise one leg five to eight inches off the floor and count to two. Slowly lower your leg to the floor, then switch legs and repeat.

This is a great way to increase difficulty as your muscle develops. If you are feeling particularly adventurous, start in the same plank position as above.

Carefully shift your weight to your right forearm. Extend your left arm straight out in front of you, and hold for three seconds while keeping your core tight.

Slowly bring your arm back to starting position, and then switch arms and repeat. Practice this till you can move your arms or legs in one fluid motion without any straining or shaking.

If you are enjoying these kinds of exercises, you may want to explore yoga further. Yoga is a fantastic way to tighten your abs at home, while improving balance and core strength.

Many athletes turn to yoga to tighten up their muscles and help them to improve their athletic ability. This is a great idea to get your tummy tight for that bathing suit.

Whether you are trying to improve your overall strength and balance, propecia generic 5mg shed extra pounds, get rid of that extra baby weight hanging on, or get into a bikini for the first time, doing abdominal work at home is a great way to meet all your goals. Start working out during the commercial breaks of your favorite show!

Author Bio: Tommy Greene is a personal trainer and author of numerous articles relating to physical training and exercise equipment. He has been helping others find a greater fitness level since the 80’s.

Contact Info:
Tom Selwick

Category: Fitness/Muscle Building
Keywords: exercise equipment

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