10 Blogs Every SEO Must Read – Religiously

There are literally thousands of SEO blogs out there, all of which write about search engines, their algorithms, SEO tips, what tactics work best and what tactics should be skipped etc. However, not all SEO blogs should be read continuously. We bring you 10 blogs every SEO should read religiously if they want to become successful in this field.

1. SEOBook
Aaron Wall’s SEOBook is one of the best blogs on the subject on the web. It first started as an e-book, but later become a whole brand everyone in the business knows. Aaron offers a lot of free training material that most SEO beginners find easy-to-understand and straight to the point.
SEOBook’s blog is updated regularly, so the readers can find a lot of helpful information fast.

2. SearchEngineJournal
SearchEngineJournal was established in 2003, and prides itself as a community that brings cialis cheap all the latest news about search engines and search engine optimization to their readers.

3. SearchEngineWatch
SearchEngineWatch is a great site that covers search engine tips, tools and news. It was started by Danny Sullivan in 1996. In 1997, the website was sold to MecklerMedia, and in 2005 Incisive Media bought the site.

4. SearchEngineLand
Another site led by Danny Sullivan, SearchEngineLand is a news and information site covering search engine marketing, searching issues and the search engine industry in a whole.

5. SEOMoz
SEOMoz is one of the well-known sites in the search engine optimization industry. The site offers plenty of tools, tips and tutorials that help businesses make most out of their Internet marketing.

6. SEObytheSea
Bill Slawski, a veteran of Internet marketing, is the president and founder of SEO by the Sea, Inc. SEObytheSea, as well as other sites on this list, covers a wide variety of search engine optimization and Internet marketing topics.

7. SearchEngineGuide
According to Jennifer Laycock, the Editor of Search Engine Guide, this site is a ” an educational web site aimed at translating the search marketing world into something that small business owners can understand.”

8. StuntDubl
Todd Malicoat of StuntDubl is an marketing consultant and Internet entrepreneur who blogs regularly about the industry and offers valuable advice to his peers and Internet marketing beginners.

9. Marketing Pilgrim
MarketingPilgrim.com was launched by Andy Beal in September of 2005. The site covers all the latest news about SEO, as well as Internet marketing in general, and is a must read when it comes to staying on top of the SEO game.

10. Matt Cutts Blog
Matt Cutts is on this list even though he’s not an SEO expert. Working full time as Google’s head of anti-spam team, Matt has seen it all and is someone who can offer valuable advice on many SEO tactics. His blog can be a great source of information for everyone who wants to learn more about search engine optimization.

There are many more SEO blogs that you should read every day if you want to do well in this industry. Things change rapidly, and these blogs will bring you all the latest news about search engine optimization and Internet marketing in general.

Author Bio: Ines Maric is an Internet marketing consultant based in Connecticut.

Category: Internet Marketing/Search Engine Optimization
Keywords: seo, search engine optimization, seo blogs

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